26 March 2011

IE 24

Coming up next week.


  1. scotty12:26 PM

    Great Promo!

  2. Anonymous12:55 PM

    The St. Louis Seminary has the
    technology to video stream it on the
    internet. Why not personalize it
    more on video?

  3. Because Issues is a RADIO show???

  4. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I realize Issues is a radio show
    with Pastor Todd Wilken, but it
    seems that would be nice to video
    tape it anyway.

  5. Anonymous2:49 AM

    I heard about this while listening the other day. Cool promo. Thank you for sharing. I'm looking forward to IE24!

  6. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Repeats from last year include:
    Genesis, Psalms, Mark, John,
    1 Corinthians and Ephesians.
    So this will help break up the
    time if you listened in 2010.
    12 hours of reruns.

  7. Anonymous said: So this will help break up the time if you listened in 2010. 12 hours of reruns.

    There will be no reruns. The books are the same, but the people are completely different. Two hours per book is not nearly enough, so I welcome the extra study of them.

    FYI - last year:
    Genesis - Dr Joel Heck
    Psalms - Dr Tim Saleska
    Mark - Dr Peter Scaer
    John - Dr Bill Weinrich
    1 Corinthians - Dr Greg Lockwood
    Ephesians - Dr Thomas Winger

    This year:
    Genesis - Dr. John Saleska
    Psalms - Dr. John Kleinig
    Mark - Prof. David Lewis
    John - Dr. Gregory Lockwood
    1 Corinthians - Dr. Peter Scaer
    Ephesians - Pr. William Weedon
