12 April 2011

Schedule for Holy Week through Easter

April 16 - Palm Sunday Divine Service (6 p.m.)
April 17 - Palm Sunday Matins with Examination of Catechumens (7:45 a.m.); Palm Sunday Divine Service with Confirmation (10 a.m.)
April 18 - Holy Monday Divine Service (6 p.m.)
April 19 - Holy Tuesday Divine Service (6 p.m.)
April 20 - Holy Wednesday Divine Service (6 p.m.)
April 21 - Maundy Thursday Divine Service (7:15 p.m.)
April 22 - Good Friday Chief Service (noon); Good Friday Tenebrae (7:15)
April 23 - Vigil of Easter (8 p.m.)
April 24 - Easter Matins (6:30 a.m.); Easter Divine Service (9 a.m.)
April 25 - Easter Monday Divine Service (6 p.m.)
April 26 - Easter Tuesday Divine Service (6 p.m.)
April 27 - Easter Wednesday Divine Service (6 p.m.)

Join us for as many as you are able!!!


  1. A most blessed and joyful holy week as you contemplate and receive the sacramental mystery of our salvation in Jesus' cross and resurrection!

  2. To you, too, Paul! And love to Mary! We miss you guys.

  3. No Tenebrae on Holy Wednesday eve and Holy Thursday eve? NO presanctified Liturgy on holy Friday? I thought you were a confessional Lutheran pastor. You're slacking, Fr. Weedon! :)

  4. Judas H, Chris, I never saw a blowed in the glass three day Tenebrae even in the preconciliar RCC! Heard of it, but in the parishes the "chief service" was the ONLY service and I served a ton of those.

    There ain't no Communion on Good Friday -- that's why it says "the night before he suffered", which we commemorate the night before we commemorate the night he suffered and focus on that -- presanctified or otherwise until Pius XII jacked things all around in 1955.

    Mass of the Presanctified -- sounds like a Wagner music drama. Hey, that's it -- Karfreitagsmusik! Ja dann bei Gott!

  5. Anonymous4:31 PM

    What is the rationale for having
    examination of confirmands and
    the actual confirmation in the same
    day? I would hope they could enjoy
    their rite of confirmation and not
    be stressed out by the examination
    earlier in the day.

  6. Long tradition here. They don't stress out too much - I always remind them that I KNOW they know the material, and that's not what the examination is for. It is for the congregation to be blessed as they hear the faith confessed and rehearsed. The kids actually seem to thrive on the day - and I ask the congregation questions too. AND I tell the parents not to worry if one of their children misses an answer...I'll just ask the parents to answer that question for them. :) Works like a charm and the children are well ready for the examination!

  7. Terry,

    the Mass of the Presanctified is a very old tradition that is only celebrated on Great Friday by the Western Rite Churches. It apparently has fallen into greater disuse since Vatican II. your loss, I guess.

    In the east it is retained for all Wednesdays as well as the first three days of Holy Week. The Russians and other Slavic churches also celebrate the Presanctified Liturgy on Fridays of Lent as well.

    Be that as it may, Tenebrae has ALWAYS been prescribed to be chanted on the eves of Holy Wednesday, Holy Thursday and Great Friday. It's a pity that such services are only to be found in Western Rite Orthodox parishes.

    So, no, Terry. I didn't just make this up.

  8. Chrisula, what did I say?

    The missa praesanctificatorum was brought into the Roman Holy Week liturgy in my living memory, and its Eastern precedents were -- as with so many other things yet to come -- always cited to support it as something reclaimed, not something new. I am hardly unaware of them.

    Its particular purpose in the RCC was to preserve Good Friday as the one day when Mass is not said yet still offer a Communion service.

    How in Judas jumping in January would I call the three day Tenebrae something we had heard of but never saw if I though you were just making stuff up? The point is not that it didn't exist, but that in regular parish life one didn't see it and what the Protestants called Tenebrae was nothing at all like it.

    This is the West, not the East. Growing up there was a Greek Orthodox parish right across the street, we acknowledged them as valid as we were, but, the people who went there were, well, Greek.

    Except the Pappas family, who were RC with me but ran a helluva fine restaurant nonetheless.

  9. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I am somewhat mystified by former Lutherans who have headed east and then come back to impose their eastern Weltanschauuing on their former Western catholic confreres.


  10. I think you all missed Chris's :) He certainly knows that Lutherans are not bound to Western Orthodox liturgical norms (for which I offer hearty Deo gratias). Lutherans are not Western Rite wannabes; we have a form of the Medieval Western Rite which we have inherited and which we have made our own and lived with and shaped over the many centuries of our existence as a communion separated from Rome. And we have in Christ the freedom to increase or decrease humanly instituted ceremonies as may be most helpful in proclaiming the saving Gospel of Christ, provided we do so in such a way as avoids all frivolity and offense to the weak. Which is actually what every single liturgical Church has always done and I suspect will always do, and those who won't admit to doing so are the ones it is actually easiest to show HAVE done so across the centuries. Now, a blessed holy week to one and all - Holy Week is not a time for liturgical oneupmanship but for adoring Him who for love of us embraced cross and grave and destroyed the power of sin and death!

  11. The Mass of the Presanctified in the Western Rite on Good Friday goes far further back than the 1950's... it is well attested to in several missals. The main difference is that, before the 1950's, only the priest communed, not the people. In the 1950's, it was extended to serve as a general communion of the people.


  12. The Mass of the Presanctified depends upon an understanding of usus that is not settled in Lutheranism, and which does not need to be.

    Using hosts consecrated earlier only "works" if one holds that the presence remains indefinitely, and that will only become an issue if one intends to go beyond the simple words of the Lord, take and eat.

    There is no "put some away for later too" in "take and eat". A practice that contradicts Scripture is no less so for being an old practice that contradicts Scripture.

    Which touchstone, acceptance except where contradicted by Scripture, is the basis of authentic liturgical development and change, not what is helpful in proclaiming the Gospel, a claim made by proponents of all manner of church services.

  13. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Which touchstone, acceptance except where contradicted by Scripture, is the basis of authentic liturgical development and change, not what is helpful in proclaiming the Gospel, a claim made by proponents of all manner of church services.

    I agree with Terry one hundred percent.

    The wide umbrella of the Roman church is the reason for it success, not the "vitality" of daily masses. As long as one adheres to a formal affiliation with the institution all sorts of deviations are tolerated.

    What is equally as damaging is the effect this is having on some Lutheran bodies. Many Lutherans don’t understand that we are catholic, not Catholic and VII Rome is the paradigm they most easily follow.

    My sister reports that her ELCA parish is busy "Catholicizing" their worship. They now use incense, make the Sign of the Cross, and on Palm Sunday there were palms everywhere, surrounding the altar, affixed to the pews, Gott hilf mir maybe even hanging from the ceiling.

    Won't that be a great atmosphere when the "lady bishop" of the Northeastern Ohio ELCA Synod comes to preach at my sister's parish??
