12 April 2011

Yup, it's that time of the year again...

...and the lilacs are blooming and sending their sweet smells wafting across the lawn.  Whitman invariably comes to mind:  "When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom'd..."  We even got a new bush this year (thanks to Jean and Mark Luchtefeld, and planted by Scotty Miller), but it's not blooming yet.  The old ones are, though:


  1. I miss my lilacs! At my previous home, I had 3 - white, lavender, and dark purple. The scent in the back yard could be overwhelming on a warm day, but they were lovely. There was a huge wind storm one April and I woke to find an entire fork of the dark purple one lying across my deck. After church I went out and cut as many as I could and made a trip to the cemetery, where I was able to place large bouquets on all 8 graves. (Sunday was sunny, of course - after the storm!)

  2. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Can almost smell them. Nice photos. From Mark: This bush is naturally a late bloomer. If it blooms this year it will be even later because of the transplant. Hopefully, this will extend your lilac appreciation further into the Spring. Jean

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    In Minnesota lilacs and peonies bloomed about Memorial Day. The school children brought bouquets of them and we had a procession, with the veterans, out to the town cemetery, where they were put in jars on each service man's grave. A scout played taps, after some speeches. (I'm afraid we kids didn't absorb the speeches.)

    I am looking at your pictures, Pr. Weedon, and wishing I could smell them. I suppose my grandfather's lilacs, my Dad's and mine were leveled in the tornado last June.

    We had all those colors, too, Sue.


  4. Sue & Helen,

    Come and visit us in May ... http://www.lilacfestival.com/

  5. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Oh, what a lovely thought, David.
    I wish I could come.
    (Does the lilac perfume smell like the real thing? Does anyone mail order it?)

