23 May 2011

A Bit of Starck's for Easter...

My Savior, Your resurrection yields me a very strong comfort also in my sufferings.  You lay locked in a tomb, but came forth the victor.  Thus the night of my affliction will also pass, and the sun of Your joy, grace, help, and refreshing will rise for me again.  O Jesus, only three days did You remain in the grave.  And so, after my tribulation, the day of deliverance is appointed for me.  After the weary years of my suffering will follow the glad year of jubilee.  You arose in a glorified body.  Your wounds and nail-prints were no longer bloody, nor did they cause You pain, but were radiant like the sun.  Thus my body also will be transformed and glorified when You awaken me from the dust.  My former body will be restored to me; I will be clothed in my former flesh.  (p. 90)

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