09 July 2011

Dr. Collver today

gave me a copy of the fine little booklet (think Bible Study on steroids) he recently authored, Witness, Mercy, Life Together.  In just spending a few minutes perusing it, let me tell you that I am quite excited to lead our Adult Bible Class through this fine work!  Quite aside from leading us deeply into the Word of God (all the uses of martyria, diakonia, and koinonia are given in the opening pages), insights tumble out here and there on page after page.  Did you know that the Lutheran Church in Madagascar receives THREE offerings in their Divine Service?  One for mission; one for mercy; one for the support of the local congregation's life together.  Did you know that "confession" is used in three senses in the NT?  Did you ever think of witness so succinctly as this:  "confession is the content of witness"?  Lots of gems here!  Imagine how beneficial to the Church to structure her work and existence on all levels around the three emphases:  WITNESS, MERCY, and LIFE TOGETHER.  What a way to kick off the new academic year in September!


  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Just got my WMLT DVD in the mail... It will sure be great to have the Synod President lead Bible Class in September right here in Buhl ID

  2. We ordered our copies Thursday.
