10 July 2011

Speaking of Dr. Collver,

I see he has posted yesterday's catechetical session, recorded on his iPhone (what a nifty devise) up on the Witness, Mercy, Life Together site.  Thought you might enjoy:

1 comment:

  1. A long time ago, Will, you posted something on the ALPB that you and I should go on the road together to present the wonderful teaching ofthe Church....this video is the first time i've seen you in action and now concur. Our teach styles are almost identical!

    Second, the fact that you are presenting to the new missionary orientation is wonderful news to me. It is long past time that our missionaries recover the marvel of the Holy Sacraments. May our missions and outreach now reflect our catholic as well as evangelical doctrine and practice.

    Where we may differ is the actual practice on the mission field of the use of the sacraments and admission to it, but I know, from reading you, that a fraternal discussion would lead to agreement.
