24 February 2012

If you like conspiracy theories...

...and, be honest, who doesn't?...read this. HT: Cindi


  1. Would this be the same "wheat" used in making the hosts?

  2. Sadly, yes. I've thought for some time about the possibility of obtaining hosts made from the Einkorn or some of the other legacy grains - hosts made of the same stuff our ANCESTORS made the hosts from.

  3. It isn't the conspiracy theories that bother me, but the conspiracy realities.

  4. Grow your own fruits and veggies using heirloom seeds and buy meats from local sources (as in farmers). With heirloom seeds, you save seed from the current year's crop to plant again next year. Plenty of good seed houses w/ heirloom seeds. I've watched over the years as these seeds are being replaced by the GE seeds, but there is a good groundswell movement to keep them in ciruculation.

    I agree on going back to ancient grains, you can grow grain (it does take a lot of space) and thresh it etc... to grind your own. That is a lot of work, but doable. I always used an electric mill, but had a hand mill for back up.

    It might be a conspiracy, but I think moreso that industry discovered the unexpected side effect and used it to our detriment. Pharma jumps on anything they think will keep them in the green. Our job is to keep ourselves healthy and watch out for the hard sell at the stores under the guise of convenience.

    Shop the perimeter and leave the bread alone. If you want to experience the joy of growing your own food, read Mel Bartholomew's Square Foot Gardening and have at it.

    You can raise rabbits, fish in a pond in the city. If you're outside zoning regs you can raise chickens and goats. Feeder hogs are pretty easy as well (good way to use up table scraps.) Butchering is easily learned (hogs are a 2-3 man operation to get done in a day.) Of course, you get to understand the cost of your food that way.

  5. Judges 7.13 offers the tantalizing hint that the grain might not have been wheat at all: "And when Gideon was come, behold, there was a man that told a dream unto his fellow, and said, Behold, I dreamed a dream, and, lo, a cake of barley bread tumbled into the host of Midian, and came unto a tent, and smote it that it fell, and overturned it, that the tent lay along."

  6. Darya Pino is my go-to food expert, and she reviewed the book on her blog: http://summertomato.com/book-review-wheat-belly/

  7. Oh wow. Communion is bad for you. Well, back to quarterly communion until the hosts can be certified retro.

  8. The increase of hybrid seeds and genetically altered seeds is a result of demand not some sinister plot to give everyone diabetes. I've cut out most grain type carbs and sugar from my meals and I've lost nearly ten pounds and feel great. But to blame America’s food related health problems on the type of grains that are being grown is like blaming the type of hops used in beer for alcoholism.
