26 February 2012

This morning and last night

I announced to St. Paul's that I decided to accept the call to serve as Director of Worship and the Chaplain at the International Center.  I will serve here till after Easter.  Thank you to everyone who wrote with counsel and to all who have prayed for us.  What a roller coaster ride - and I think it's all just really beginning.  I'm glad we sang a nine-fold Kyie today - I think that's a good start, but I'll need a LOT more.


  1. In this case, I'll say that we sang the Slovak Kyrie for you this morning (LSB 945).

    May the Lord bless everyone involved and may the peace of the Lord dwell with you and your family immensely.


  2. The Lord bless you and your new charges. He will take care of His sheep at St. Paul. He promises that and will not fail them.

  3. Fr. Weedon,

    I know my opinion doesn't count for much but I think you are making an error. You are a parish priest, a confessional parish priest and the parishes need those more in the LCMS than another bureaucrat. I hope for the people of St. Paul that they will receive someone with as much confessional integrity as you have displayed. Good luck.

  4. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Cindi, and St. Paul's! God's blessings as He sets you in another pasture.

  5. I'm not happy to read this puppy. Just because I'm selfish, though. God be with you.

  6. It will be a tremendous loss for your parish, but an enormous gain for the entire synod. Congratulations, my friend - I am looking forward to seeing the fruit of your labors!

  7. Congratulations, Bill! I know this was a hard decision for you. God will bless you and your ministry.

  8. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Dear Rev. Weedon: I am neither one of your parishioners, nor am I likely to be affected by you in your new position. Nevertheless, I felt for you in the struggle you endured to reach your decision. Now it is made, and I wish you God’s richest blessing as you enter into your new responsibilities.

    I hope you will not still ask yourself whether it was the right decision or not. It is safe to say that no wrong decision was possible, because all things work for good to them that love God, and the Lord of the Church uses everything for the good of His Bride, the Church. To Him be glory and honor forever!

    Peace and Joy!
    George A. Marquart

  9. May God continue to richly bless you and your ministry!

  10. Thanks, all! And George, what wise and comforting words. Thank you especially for that.

  11. Congrats.

    It's the end of an era! wow

  12. Why is it that a blessing for Synod comes at a cost to good folks like those at St. Paul's -- would that it could be a both and not a choice... but I am selfishly happy to have you as the worship director for our Synod even as I pray for and with the good people in Hamel to find a worthy candidate to elect as their next Pastor... God bless you, Wil

  13. Pastor Weedon,

    I echo many of the comments below of prayers for you and the people of St. Paul's as well as your accepting the call. May God continue to use you as you follow God's call to ministry for the synod.

    May God continue to hold the people of St. Paul's in His hand and guide and direct them as they call a new shepherd.

    Yours In Christ,
    Pastor Darian L. Hybl

  14. May God guide you in this new responsibility and help the transition be smooth.

    Prayers for both your family and St. Paul's family. God's blessings to you all.

  15. Dear Pastor,

    I've followed your blog for sometime and almost feel part of your congregation!! It will be a big blow for St Paul's but the Holy Spirit has clearly called and must be followed. Fortunately St Paul's has an Associate Pastor so they will still have guidance in calling a new Pastor.
    Could you tell us something about your new call? What does the Worship Director do? Will you still be able to keep in touch with St Paul's? Will you still have a blog?


    Richard S.

  16. I would echo George's wise counsel; 'no wrong decision was possible.' God who does not allow a sparrow to fall against his will, the Lord of the church will guide, guard and provide for St. Paul Hamel, the International Center and you dear brother.
    God’s peace to you all.

  17. Gottes segen dann!

    As to the nine-fold Kyrie, until recently that just WAS the Kyrie. Symptomatic of the whole problem!

    Of course, that's a Western reference. The Western Kyrie lost the petitions to which Lord have mercy etc were the response long ago. Which is why I rather like DSI, in that it restores at least a truncated version of the First Litany from which our Kyrie came.

    Blogging should be more fun than ever here in your new position!

  18. God be with you Pastor Weedon in your new position, and with St. Paul as they contemplate calling a Pastor. As much as I hate to see you leave that parish, I am also quite confident you are the right man for the job in your new call.

  19. My prayers as you transition to your new post. I know you will be greatly missed in your parish, and appreciated in your new place.

    Congratulations and Many Years!

  20. God bless you, bless you, bless you, your congregation at St. Paul's, and the folks you'll minister to in St. Louis, Pastor Weedon.
