27 February 2012

Some intensely comforting words...

...from a fellow pastor:  I commend them to you.  I needed to read that today.  Thank you, Pr. Baxter.


  1. I must say that I agree with you Pastor Weedon... very comforting words and also well deserved...

    Pastor Baxter your comments were weel put...right on target... a bullseye! If you will... thank you for such a thoughtful post regarding my friend and our Pastor Weedon..

  2. Oh yea I forgot... so if you like nick names... I suggest something like Baximus! Again, great post...

  3. How comforting to read such comments, even as a layman.

  4. Pastor Weedon,
    Even though I was out of town and checking your blog and FB posts for news, I received this text from Talitha late Sunday afternoon: "Just heard that Pastor W. accepted the call. Great for the Synod. A loss for St. Paul's. XO" My response: "There was no wrong decision to be made, even though I know it was a tough one for him. All things work for good..." You know that it's no coincidence that Pastor Baxter and so many others are saying the same thing. We will certainly miss you at St. Paul, and God will certainly keep blessing all of us with everything we need.

    P.S. There's a lot of Jeremiah left. How am I going to know how it turns out? ;)

  5. Becky,

    I'm wondering the same thing...

  6. Quite right, and so pleased you thought to post this. It reminded me of a Nagalism--that the whole weight of the Call does not rest on any one piece of it. It was something to that affect. I think the thought being: as you wrestle and struggle over the Call, don't let all its weight crush you. You are free, as this dear brother put it, to live the joy of one who can't go wrong in the matter. The Lord of Church is in control beyond any of our wildest imaginations. And we worship Him best by...faith.
