21 July 2012

Petition to Add to Prayer of the Church

this Sunday:

           Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace, look in Your kindness and mercy on all those who have been affected by the shootings in Aurora, Colorado.  Grant healing to those who remain hospitalized, comfort to those who mourn their dead, peace to those who have been traumatized, and wisdom to all who deal with the aftermath.  You who know firsthand the pain and sorrows that fallen humanity can inflict upon itself and yet triumphed over all hatred by Your unfailing love, let that love hold and transform all who have been devastated in this latest horror.  Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer!


  1. ...and forgiveness for the shooter...

  2. He also is included above all in letting Christ's love hold and transform all who have been devastated. The damage he inflicted on his own soul was greater than the damage he inflicted on all those whom he killed or injured.
