22 July 2012

Scattered Thoughts

Watching Ethan, Peyton, and Morgan with Ryton sing:  "O God for Jesus' sake I pray / Your peace may bless my dying day" had me choked up this a.m.... Happy to hear that Jen is doing better and Mia also and Larry - thanks be to God!... Dave won three games this afternoon and drat it all, Jo won one also this evening... What is it about a cleaned up house that I so love? Cindi worked on kitchen and I vacuumed in the living room, hall, and bedroom... Still running through Christmas in my mind and trying to figure out how to set up house (yes, Cindi also thinks I'm nuts)... Taking tomorrow off since I worked  Saturday and looking forward to it... Pondering Pr. Curtis' sermon on St. Mary Magdalene today... Cathy continues to be a remarkably good indoor cat... Cindi made a great dinner tonight of spaghetti (served over spaghetti squash), broccoli with pastured butter, salad with tomatoes from our garden and also cucumber from the same and was a joy to sit down for the same with Bekah, Jo and Dave... Coffee made for tomorrow and breakfast planned (my turn to cook since I'm off - most days Cindi is up and fixing breakfast for us)... Humming birds finally are feeding in the back yard and they are hoot to watch... Cool that Paul Soulek uses "hoot and half" - makes me smile... Hoping that the Osburns stop in on trip to or from her parents in Missouri... Bed is beckoning...

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