05 June 2007

Tis the Day

It was on this day, 25 years ago, before the holy altar at the Lutheran Church of St. Andrew in Silver Spring, Maryland, that the lovely Cynthia DeVries became Cynthia Weedon and our lives were joined together.

Well, sort of. I mean, our lives had been joined together a long time before that. We've been buddies since we met in seventh grade. Long before we got married, we had made memories of trips to the beach with the whole DeVries clan camping out at "The Purple Pad," camping under the stars in Georgia on the way down to Jesus '77, singing and playing piano and guitar together whenever we got the chance.

Doug asked us which was the best year of our life together. We had to confess: this one. Each has been a blessing in its own way - countless ups and downs (very real downs, mind you) and sorrows and grief and aggravations and the constant need to live in forgiveness - but the best is definitely the present.

"The fruit you're eating now is always the best fruit." That Lady of Perelandra was no dummy.

Cynthia Lauren DeVries Weedon, you will always remain to me an astonishing icon of God's grace and forgiveness. I love you, Cin. And I can never thank God enough for bringing us together.


Rev. Paul T. McCain said...

Let us pray.

Lord God, heavenly Father, You instituted holy matrimony, blessed and honored it with the presence of Your Son at the marriage at Cana in Galilee, and continue to protect and preserve it. We thank You for the fatherly love and grace which You have bestowed on William and Cynthia throughout their marriage. You have accompanied them with loving-kindness and tender mercy, visited them with Your comfort, strengthened them in every joy and sorrow and sickness, and crowned their life with every blessing. You have enabled them to walk in marital love and fidelity, holding them to each other in sickness and health, in adversity and prosperity, and ranting them strength, patience and faithfulness. Be with them, O Lord, until the end of their days, even as You have guided them in the past. Be their health, strength, refuge, and life. When the days of their earthly pilgrimage have ceased, graciously bring them to the marriage supper of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that they may dwell with You and all Your faithful and rejoice in Your joy forever; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

906Lutheran said...

May the Lord continue to bless and keep both of you in the years to come, and may your marriage continue to reflect that of the Bridegroom, Christ, and his Bride, the Church!

Brother Will, we are of a like mind today...my wife's birthday is today, and I just finished writing a post about her on my own blog! Praise be to God for the wonderful women he places in our lives to aid us and support us (and sometimes tolerate us) in the ministry of the Gospel!

William Weedon said...

Thanks, guys. Matt, a blessed birthday to Heather!

Anonymous said...

wow, this week is a popular day to get married. This weekend I at church I had one couple rejoice in 50 years, another 40 years, and another somewhere around 45 years. But today tops that, with June 5 being yet another couple rejoicing in 40+, Laura's aunt and uncle somewhere around 30, and you two at 25. and best of all, every last one of them rejoices in the Lord who has given them this gift of love.
Congratulations and God's continued blessings

Mimi said...

Happy, happy Anniversary and Many Years!

LPC said...

We are linked today too, today is my birthday.

Happy anniversary.


William Weedon said...

Thanks, Jimbo, Mimi and Lito - and a happy birthday to Lito!

Chaz said...

Happy anniversary. You are married to a very holy woman.

Anonymous said...

Pastor and Mrs. Weedon,

Congratulations on the celebration of the union where the two became one. May God continue to enrich, deepen the love and bless your marriage and union in which He is your sojourner, model and guide!!!

Yours In Christ,
Darian L. Hybl

Past Elder said...

My belated congratulations on your anniversary -- belated because I am at home now, work over, baseball practice over, meeting over, and on my own computer, those mid-day posts being from work which take me all day to write since I'm not paid to show up and blog!

What is it with us guys? She looks about the same. The guy on the other hand ... This is noticeable even when the couple meets later in life, as my wife and I did. I was sure she would never even go out with me thinking I'm too old. Turns out we were only four years apart!

But of course it's not the surface that counts, and for what is clearly real between you, many blessings to you both as the journey continues!

William Weedon said...


LOL! Too true! To quote a most famous St. Louisan: "I grow old, I grow old, I shall wear my trousers rolled. Do I dare to eat a peach?" ;)


Anonymous said...

Ad multos annos to you and your lovely wife, Pastor.

Among all of God's good gifts that of marriage is one that unfolds like a flower, layer by layer over the years. What a gracious gift it is.

May the Lord bless and keep you all your days.

Pastor Tim Hahn said...

Congratulations, William and Cynthia! God has blessed you both in so many ways! God grant you many, many more years of love and happiness.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you both.

Tim Hahn

Anonymous said...


Congratulations and please share the same with Cindy from Laura and I. May the Lord continue to bless you both!!!


William Weedon said...

Christine, Pastor Hahn, and Jeff,

Thanks for the kind wishes!