31 March 2022

Speaking of working out…

…and walking and so forth. I was thinking about my poor mom as I walked today. It occurred to me that she was the age I am right now when she lost her husband. That realization shocked me. But it also got me thinking a lot about my parents’ health in general, and the more I think about that, the angrier I get. Daddy was an inveterate smoker, of course (who wasn’t back then?). That no doubt played hugely into his death of cancer before he even could turn 60. Mom’s latter years had symptoms of both Parkinson’s and Alzheimers before a heart-attack did her in in her 70’s. If I could go back, I know what I’d have told them both. Since I can’t, I’ll tell it to you (whoever you are that is reading this):

Eat meat. Drink water. Avoid plants: don’t drink them, smoke them, or eat them. As this guy always quips: “Plants are trying to kill you.” 

Come Easter, Cindi and I are giving that super strict routine a run for three months to see how it goes. That means, goodbye coffee, alcohol, and even spices. Gulp. No coffee? I’m curious to see what the results will be. Meanwhile, we’ve been practicing aging our beef in the fridge (another trick from the guy mentioned above). That is a game changer indeed; and Opa agrees, it’s a huge difference!

Oh, what I’d give to dish up a plateful of our tasty beef to mom and daddy and convince them to just TRY this out and see how they’d feel. Since I can’t why don’t you give it a try, eh?

***None of the above is theological, folks. There’s no SIN in eating vegetable or fruit; it just doesn’t seem to be very good for your health!


Workout This ‘N’ That

I haven’t updated the workout info in a while. I think I mentioned some months ago that I changed up routine. Monday-Wednesday-Friday are days for pushups; pull-ups; and kettlebell swings. Tuesday-Thursday for high intensity interval training (10 minutes). So the totals for this month:

2890 pushups
316 pull-ups
316 45-lb kettlebell swings
80 minutes of HIIT

Add to that I’ve been aiming for a daily walk that is at least 15k steps, except for Sundays when I’ll settle for anything between 5k and 10k. 

I like this schedule a lot. The HIIT is with AppleFitness and it changes up regularly. The other three moves obviously require more effort, and so I’m happy to only have to do them three times a week, thus allowing plenty of time for muscles to recover. 

Patristic Quote of the Day

We are the temple of Christ, and when we kiss each other we are kissing the porch and entrance of the temple.—St. John Chrysostom, Homily on 2 Cor. 13:12


That is why it is so full of contradiction. He is the Son of God, entirely holy and without sin, and therefore He should have no part in death nor the curse. We are sinners, under God’s curse and wrath, and therefore we should bear death and condemnation. But God reverses it; He who has no sin, in whom there is nothing but grace, must be made the curse and bear the chastisement, and through Him we are in a state of grace and children of God.—Sermons, 1545

Catechesis: Righteousness of Faith

True, saving faith is not in people who lack contrition and sorrow, and who have a wicked plan to remain and continue in sins. But true contrition comes first, and genuine faith is in or with repentance.—FC SD III:26

30 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

To bear all things nobly is the sign of an apostle.—Chrysostom, Homily on 2 Cor. 12:12


In short, He [our Lord Jesus] must suffer everything which a condemned sinner has deserved and should suffer eternally. Thereby is won for us the bliss of heaven, eternal life, and salvation, as Isaiah says, chapter liii: ‘He shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied.’—Sermons, 1537

Catechesis: Righteousness of Faith

Out of pure grace for the sake of the only Mediator, Christ, without any works and merit, people are righteous before God in the way stated above (i.e., they are received into grace). The Holy Spirit is also given to them. He renews and sanctifies and works in them love for God for their neighbor. But the beginning of renewal is imperfect in this life. Still dwells in the flesh, even in the regenerate. Therefore, the righteousness of faith before God comes from the free crediting of Christ’s righteousness, without the addition of our works. So our sins are forgiven us and covered and not charged against us.—FC SD III:23

29 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

This finally is the difference between us and the others who do not know God, that they complain and murmur in adversity, while adversity does not turn us from the truth of virtue and faith but proves us in suffering.—Cyprian, Mortality 13


He is chastised, we are in peace. I and you, and all men have called forth God’s wrath; He has atoned, that we, redeemed from sin, may rest in peace. He must suffer, we are set free. We ought not so shamefully to forget such great love and mercy.—Sermons, 1531

Catechesis: Righteousness of Faith

Christ is not man alone, but God and man in one undivided person. Therefore, He was hardly subject to the Law (because He is the Lord of the Law), just as He didn’t have to suffer and die for His own sake. For this reason, then, His obedience (not only in suffering and drying, but also because He was voluntarily made under the Law in our place and fulfilled the Law by this obedience) is credited to us for righteousness. So, because of this complete obedience, which He rendered to His heavenly Father for us by doing and suffering, in living and in dying, God forgives our sins. He regards us as godly and righteous, and He eternally saves us.—FC SD III:15

28 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

He saw the beautiful appearance of paradise, the dances of the saints in it, and the harmonious sound of its hymnody.—Theodore of Mopsuestia


He sacrifices Himself on the cross, becomes a sinner and a curse; and yet He alone is the blessed seed through whom all the world shall be blessed, that is, redeemed from sin and death. And that He hangs on the cross between two malefactors, being counted equal to them, and that He dies there a shameful death, all this He does for the benefit of the whole human race, to redeem it from the eternal curse. Thus He is both the greatest and the only sinner on earth, for He bears all the world’s sin, and the only righteous and holy One; for no man can be made righteous and holy before God save through Him alone.—Sermon, 1540.

Catechesis: Free Will

For conversion is the kind of change through the Holy Spirit’s work in a person’s intellect, will, and heart that by the Holy Spirit’s work a person can receive the offered grace. Indeed, all those who stubbornly and persistently resist the Holy Spirit’s works and movements—which take place through the Word—do not receive, but grieve and lose the Holy Spirit.—FC SD II:83

25 March 2022

From The Treasury for Annunciation

Most of the holy fathers and patriarchs and prophets desired to see Him with their own eyes, but did not. Some of them by visions beheld Him in type, and darkly; others, again, were privileged to hear the divine voice through the medium of the cloud and were favored with the vision of holy angels. But only to Mary the pure virgin did the archangel Gabriel manifest himself in brilliant light, bringing her the glad address, “Hail, you who are highly favored!” And thus she received the Word, and soon, in time, through the body's natural process, she gave birth to the dear Pearl. Come, then, you, too, dearly beloved, and let us chant the melody that has been taught us by the inspired harp of David and say, “Arise, O Lord, into Your rest, You, and the ark of Your sanctuary.” For the holy Virgin is truly an ark, made With gold both within and without, who has received the whole treasury of the Holy of Holies. “Arise, O Lord, into Your rest. Arise, O Lord, out of the bosom of the Father, in order that You may raise up the fallen race sakes He became poor” and chose extreme humiliation on behalf of the salvation of our nature, in His inherent goodness toward us. He who fulfilled the whole administration of unutterable mysteries of God's work in heaven in the bosom of the Father, and in the cave lay in the arms of the mother, reposed in the manger. Angelic choirs surrounded Him, singing of glory in heaven and of peace upon earth. In heaven He was seated at the right hand of the Father; and in the manger He rested, as it were, upon the cherubim. Truly, even there was His cherubic throne; there was His royal seat. Holy of the holy, and alone glorious upon the earth, and holier than the holy, was the manger where Christ our God rested. To Him be glory, honor, and power, together with the Father undefiled and the altogether holy and quickening Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of the ages. Amen. - St. Gregory Thaumaturgus

Glorious Divine Service for the Annunciation

I wish I had a copy of Pr. Ball’s stunning homily for the day. The God of specifics is my summary of it. 

Patristic Quote of the Day

There are some who occupy the pastoral chair in order to care for the flock of Christ, but there are others who sit in it to gratify themselves by temporal honors and worldly advantages.—St. Augustine, Letter 208


No creature could do this, nor was there any other way to help except that God’s own Son should come to our aid and be made Man, should draw the Eternal wrath upon Himself and give His own life and blood as a sacrifice. This He has done in great and immeasurable love towards us.—Exposition of Col. 1

Catechesis: Free Will

This is certainly true: in genuine conversion a change, new emotion, and movement in the intellect, will, and heart must take place. The heart must perceive sin, dread God’s wrath, turn from sin, see and accept the promise of grace in Christ, have good spiritual thoughts, have a Christian purpose and diligence, and fight against the flesh. Where none of these happen or are present, there is no true conversion.—FC SD II:70

24 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

Though they do not stand by the gospel and discipline and law of Christ, they call themselves Christians. Though they are walking in darkness, they think they are in the light, through the deceitful flattery of the adversary who, as the apostle said, transforms himself into an angel of light and adorns his ministers as ministers of righteousness. They call night day, death salvation, despair hope, perfidy faith, antiChrist Christ, cunningly to frustrate truth by their lying show of truth. That is what happens, brothers, when we do not return to the fount of truth, when we are not looking to the head and keeping the doctrine taught from heaven.—St. Cyprian of Carthage, On the Unity of the Catholic Church


Jesus Christ alone is the hero who can thwart that cruel, unconquerable foe. But it costs our Lord dearly, for He must lose His life doing it.—Commentary on Galatians

Catechesis: Free Will

From this evidence the following is certain: as soon as the Holy Spirit has begun His work of regeneration and renewal in us through the Word and holy Sacraments, we can and should cooperate through His power, although still in great weakness.—FC SD II:65

23 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

What probably happened was that false teachers appeared from elsewhere and added to what the apostles had already taught. Their claim would have been that the apostles had not said all that there was to say, which Paul is at pains to deny.—St. John Chrysostom, On 2 Cor. 11:4


But if He, as the Son of God, sheds His blood for us in order to redeem us and cleanse us from sin, and if we believe it and hold it under the devil’s nose whenever he frightens or plagues us with our sin, the devil will soon be beaten so that he must give way and leave us in peace.—Exposition of John i

Catechesis: Free Will

For we should not and cannot always judge from feeling about the presence, work, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, as to how and when they are experienced in the heart. They are often covered and happen in great weakness. Therefore, we should be certain about and agree with the promise that God’s Word preached and heard is truly an office and work of the Holy Spirit. He is certainly effective and works in our hearts by them.—FC SD II:56

22 March 2022

Catechesis: Free Will

Out of His immense goodness and mercy, God provides for the public preaching of His divine eternal Law and the wonderful plan for our redemption, that of the holy, only saving Gospel of His eternal Son, our only Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. By this preaching He gathers an eternal Church for Himself from the human race and works in people’s hearts true repentance, knowledge of sins, and true faith in God’s Son, Jesus Christ. By this means, and in no other way (i.e., through His holy Word, when people hear it preached or read it, and through the holy Sacraments when they are used according to His Word), God desires to call people to eternal salvation. He desires to draw them to Himself and convert, regenerate, and sanctify them.—FC SD II:50


In the life hereafter we shall have a knowledge of the love of God and gaze upon it in eternal blessedness.—Exposition of John 1

Patristic Quote of the Day

So the person who welcomes a martyr in a martyr’s name, will receive a martyr’s reward. The welcoming of a martyr is to come together in his memory, to share the story of his contests, to marvel at what happened, to strive to imitate his virtue, to convey to others his brave deeds. These are the hosts’ gifts for the martyrs. In this way one welcomes these saints, just as you too have thus done today. —St. John Chrysostom, (Sermon on St. Lucian, par. 4: The Cult of the Saints: St. John Chrysostom, p. 68).

21 March 2022

Thirty-one Years Ago Today

I got my first glimpse of this beautiful young lady’s face! Little did I know what a roller coast ride we were in for. Rebekah has always been full of energy (except in the morning; that’s ugly), brimming with ideas, full of laughter and, well, not to be put too fine a point on it: LOUD. No, I mean louder than you are imaging. She knows how to stir the grandkids up to decibels beyond safety for your hearing. Yes, even though she was (is) attached to her momma’s apron strings, she rather takes after her daddy and consequently the two of us fought far, far more than I did with any of the other kids. But we also tend to have a rather intuitive read of each other because of this. She always brings a smile to face. And even when I scowl, she knows how to change it pretty fast. She and Andy are the perfect match and I am so thankful that God brought them together, and then gave them Kloe who has been a gift indeed to them and to us all. So proud of them for the way they’ve welcomed her into their heart and home. So here’s to my amazing baby girl: Happy birthday and may God grant you many more!

18 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

It is Paul’s custom to praise God every time he expounds some divine dispensation or other.—Theodoret of Cyr


It was the Father’s will that He [Christ] should love us sinners, and likewise it is the Father’s will that we, beholding the manhood of Christ, should love Him.—Lenten Sermon, 1518

Catechesis: Free Will

When the Fathers defend free will, they are speaking of this: it is capable of freedom in this sense, that by God’s grace it can be converted to good and become truly free, for which it was created in the beginning. Augustine has also written in a similar way (Against Julian, Book 2).—FC SD II:23

17 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

God appointed almsgiving not only for the nourishment of the needy, but for the benefit of the providers, and much more so for the latter than for the former.—St. John Chrysostom, Homily on 2 Corinthians 9:7


Our good will is obstructed in order that it may be made better, for God certainly obstructs a good will only to make it better. And it is made better, when it is subject and obedient to the will of God.—Exposition of the Lord’s Prayer

Catechesis: Free Will

We should ask through the same Spirit and His grace, by means of the daily exercise of reading and doing God’s Word, He would preserve in us faith and His heavenly gifts, strengthen us from day to day, and keep us to the end. For unless God Himself is our schoolmaster, we can study and learn nothing that is acceptable to Him and helpful to others and ourselves.—FC SD II:16

16 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

Now is the time, while we are still in this life, to be swift and eager to purchase the gift of eternal life, for when the end of the world comes it will be given only to those who have bought it for themselves by faith before they were able to see it.—St. Augustine, Letter 268


Now in all things which concern the body we ought to give our will to God, for, as St. Paul says, we do not know how to pray…. But where the eternal and not the temporal good is concerned, namely, that God keeps us by His Word, sanctifies us, forgives our sins, and bestows upon us the Holy Ghost and eternal life, there God’s will is certain and manifest… Therefore, in such a case, it is not necessary to say ‘Not my will, but Thine be done.’—Sermon, 1545

Catechesis: Free Will

Now, a person who is physically dead cannot from his own powers prepare or make himself come back to life again. So the person who is spiritually dead in sins cannot by his own strength make or apply himself to acquire spiritual and heavenly righteousness and life. This is true unless he is delivered and brought to life by God’s Son from the death of sin.—FC SD II:11

15 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

How great is the multitude of his sweetness which he hides from those who fear him but which he reveals to those that hope in him! For we understand only in part until that which is perfect comes to us. To make us worthy of this perfect gift, he, equal to the Father in the form of God, became like us in the form of a servant and refashions us into the likeness of God.—St. Augustine, Homily for the Feast of the Nativity


If even Christ’s Will, which was always truly good, and the best that ever was, had to cease, that His Father’s Will should be done, how shall we poor and wretched worms glory in our will, which is always tainted with evil and deserves to be impeded?—Exposition of the Lord’s Prayer 

Catechesis: Free Will

They [mankind in his natural state apart from God’s grace] want to understand these spiritual things with their reason. But the more diligently and seriously they try, the less they understand or believe. Before they become enlightened and are taught by the Holy Spirit, they regard all this only as foolishness or fiction.—FC SD II:9

14 March 2022


For our will must perish, if God’s will is to be done; for they are set against each other.—Exposition of the Lord’s Prayer

Catechesis: Free Will

In spiritual and divine things the unregenerate person’s intellect, heart, and will are utterly unable, by his natural powers, to understand, believe, accept, think, will, begin, effect, do, work, or concur in working anything. They are entirely dead to what is good. They are corrupt. So in mankind’s nature since the fall, before regeneration, there is not the least spark of spiritual power remaining or present. No person can prepare himself for God’s grace or accept the grace God offers.—FC SD II:7

Patristic Quote of the Day

A presbyter's words ought to be seasoned by his reading of scripture.—St. Jerome, Letter 52

11 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

A chant celebrates the fear of the Law,
The grace of the Prophets is made known,
The faith of the Gospels is implanted,
The tradition of the Apostles is secured,
And the grace of the Church waxes jubilant.—Epistle to Diogentus, par. 11


In this self-same way Paul sets Christ before us in all his Epistles: first, as an example, we are to follow, then as He gives us the spirit and the courage which He Himself possesses. And this is the true Christian teaching.—Sermons, 1522

Catechesis: Original Sin

Fourth, in the article of the Resurrection Scripture testifies that precisely the substance of our flesh, but without sin, will rise again. In eternal life we have and keep precisely this soul, but without sin.—FC SD I:46

10 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

One who provokes godly grief in us is our benefactor.—St. Basil the Great, The Long Rules 52.


Here shall a Christian learn how to grasp and use the Gospel message, when the time of battle is come and the Law attacks and accuses him, and his own conscience tells him: this wrong you have done, and you are a sinner, and what you deserve is death, and so on, that, at such a time he may with true confidence reply: Alas, I am a sinner and have well deserved death. You are right, but condemn and kill me on that account you shall not. There is One who will hinder you, and who is called my Lord Christ, whom you have accused and murdered, though He was innocent. But do you not know how you were burnt and bruised by Him, thus losing all your rights over me and all other Christians? For He bore sin and death, not for His own sake, but for me.—Sermons, 1532

Catechesis: Original Sin

If there is no distinction between the nature or essence of corrupt mankind and original sin, one of the following must be true: Christ did not receive our nature, because He did not receive sin. Or because Christ received our nature, He also received sin. Both of these ideas are contrary to the Scriptures. God’s Son received our nature, and not original sin.—FC SD I:44

09 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

Paul was regretful before he saw the fruit of repentance, but afterward he rejoiced. This is the nature of godly sorrow. Worldly sorrow, in contrast to this, is regret for the loss of money, reputation and friends. That kind of sorrow merely leads to greater harm.—St. John Chrysostom on 2 Cor. 7


When God has given us true faith, so that we walk in firm trust, having no doubt that He, through Christ, is gracious unto us, then we are in paradise. But before we do anything wrong, all that may be changed and God may allow our heart to faint, so that we think it is His will to snatch the Saviour from our heart.—Sermons from 1525.

Catechesis: Original Sin

Original sin is like a spiritual poison and leprosy, as Luther says. It has poisoned and corrupted the whole human nature… Nevertheless, there is the corrupt nature or essence of the corrupt person (body and soul—the person himself) whom God has created… And there is original sin which dwells in human nature or essence and corrupts it.—FC SD I:33

08 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

The heart of one who loves is wide open. He walks with great freedom. It is when love is lacking that restrictions appear.—St. John Chrysostom, On 2 Cor. 6:12


Hence one of these two things is always present, continuing as a conversation between God and the soul. Either He speaks to us and we are still, listening to God, or He listens to us as we speak to Him, praying for what we need.—Sermon, 1539

Catechesis: Original Sin

God’s Word teaches that the corrupt human nature, of and by itself, has no power for anything good in spiritual, divine things, not even for the smallest things, such as good thoughts.—FC SD I:25

07 March 2022

Hmm. Will have to rethink this…

…I was running a tad late, but chose to swing into Starbuck’s for a coffee prior to recording an Issues show. And as I went to pull out of the parking lot, a poor man in a wheel chair asking for any contributions. The truth of the matter is that I had more than a bit of digital cash on me, but no tangible cash to help him. I’d paid for my coffee on an app and though I carry my credit card with me, the vast majority of the time I pay for things (including a tank full of gas today) with my watch. It made me realize that if I’m going to heed our Lord’s exhortation to give alms, I’m going to need to adjust this and specifically carry cash on my person for the purpose of being able to give it away. Even though I LIKE not having to fiddle with cash any more (sorry, Dave Ramsey!), I very much dislike not being in a position to offer a gift to someone in need. I mean, I can hardly ask the fellow if he has an iPhone I might be able to text some cash to… 

Patristic Quote of the Day

The acceptable time is the time of the gift, the time of grace, when it is decreed that not only will no account of our sins be demanded from us, but that we shall also enjoy abundant blessings, righteousness, sanctification, and all the rest.—St. John Chrysostom on 2 Corinthians 6:2.


Thus you may read in the book of the Elders, that a young brother wanted to get rid of his thoughts. Said the Elder, Dear brother, you cannot hinder the birds in the air from flying over your head; but you can prevent them from building a nest in your hair. In that self-same manner (as St. Augustine says) we cannot guard ourselves against temptation and stumbling; but with prayer and with the help of God we can prevent them from overcoming us.—Exposition of the Lord’s Prayer for Simple Lay-folk

Catechesis: Original Sin

Before God they are thoroughly and utterly infected and corrupted by original sin, as by a spiritual leprosy. Because of this corruption and because of the fall of the first man, the human nature or person is accused or condemned by God’s Law. So we are by nature the children of wrath, death, and damnation, unless we are delivered from them by Christ’s merit.—FC SD I:6

04 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

God allowed his Son to suffer as a condemned sinner, so that we might be delivered from the penalty of our sins. This is God’s righteousness, that we are not justified by works (for then they would have to be perfect, which is impossible), but grace, in which case all sin is removed.—St. John Chrysostom, Homily on 2 Cor. 5:21


But we teach that no man should impose upon himself a cross or suffering of his choosing; but if the cross comes to us we should suffer and endure it patiently. We also say that we merit nothing by our suffering. It is sufficient that we know that our suffering is well-pleasing to God, that through it we may be made Christ-like.—Sermon on Suffering and the Cross

Catechesis: Summary

As we lay down God’s Word—the eternal truth—as the foundation, we also introduce and quote these writings (that is, the Symbols) as a witness of the truth and as the unanimously received, correct understanding of our predecessors who have steadfastly held to the pure doctrine.—FC SD Summary:13

03 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

Even at this moment he is, as man, interceding for my salvation, until he makes me divine by the power of his incarnate humanity.—St. Basil the Great, Theological Oration 30


If God gave His own Son for us, how could He ever bring Himself to desert us in small things? —Comforting Words

Catechesis: Comprehensive Summary

First, we receive and embrace with our whole heart the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the pure, clear fountain of Israel. They are the only true standard or norm by which all teachers and doctrines are to be judged. —FC SD Comprehensive, 3

02 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

Although he died once, he dies for each at that time when each, whatever his age, is baptized in his death; that is, the death of him who was without sin benefits each man at the time when, having been baptized in his death, he was dead in sin shall also die to sin.—St. Augustine, Against Julian 6.15.48


He must so discipline us that our faith increases and grows stronger, and that we draw the Saviour all the deeper into our soul. For we can no more grow strong without suffering and temptation than we can without eating and drinking.—Sermon on Suffering and the Cross

Catechesis: The AC

Although this [Augsburg] Confession was received with dissatisfaction by their opponents, still, thank God, it remains unrefuted and undefeated to this day.—FC SD Intro 3

01 March 2022

Patristic Quote of the Day

The renewal of humankind, begun in the sacred bath of baptism, proceeds gradually and is accomplished more quickly in some individuals and more slowly in others. But many are in progress toward the new life if we consider the matter carefully and without prejudice.—St. Augustine, The Way of Life of the Catholic Church 1.35.80


If I will be a Christian, I must bear the colours. The Lord Christ issues no other garment for His Court. Suffering has to be.—Sermon on Suffering and the Cross

Catechesis: Third Use of the Law

Although believers are regenerate and renewed in the spirit of their minds, in the present life this regeneration and renewal is not complete. It is only begun.—Ep VI:4