17 September 2024

It’s been so long!

It’s been way too long since I posted. I just find that I’m writing so much that most days, when I’m done writing my podcast or Issues shows or devotions for Advent or Lent, well, I’m DONE. I don’t want to sit down and write anything more. Kind of on empty.

But today I have half a cup of tea left, so thought I’d throw out there what a typical Tuesday for me involves:

Cindi and I don’t set alarms (save for Sundays), so we let the sun get us up. We walk out to see the sunrise just as it is coming up, and doing that daily seems to keep me waking on average about an hour prior. So I get up, make up our crio brew chocolate, pray Matins and read from the Book of Concord. After the chocolate is ready, I throw it in the blender with some butter and pour Cin and me a cup of deliciousness. 

Then I get back to my reading. As I mentioned before, Pr. Kevin Martin talked me into using the LW Daily Bible Reading schedule, and I absolutely love it. I read along in The New Living Bible translation. No, it’s really NOTHING like that old The Living Bible of my youth. This one is actually decent and superbly honest in its footnotes. Anywho, once I finish up the reading it is usually time for sunrise.

We walk out to old Route 66 and then head home, hopefully remembering to throw the bacon in the oven. Each morning I prepare four slices, two for each of us. When we get back, I’ll usually settle down to doing my internet puzzles and Cindi finishes up her readings as the steak cooks and the pan heats up for eggs. We split a steak (usually NY Strip, sometimes Ribeye) between us, and then each have two eggs (hers are fried, mine scrambled with hot sauce), and our bacon. Voila! The perfect breakfast. We have it most every day and NEVER get tired of it. The steak is frozen, and popped into the airfryer to cook and it turns out perfectly without fail.

After breakfast and clean up, we head for our post-prandial stroll. We get back and I brew up a cuppa Joe and finish anything I haven’t done yet on my puzzles and then read the news from 1440. What a great service that is!

When that’s gone, I head out for the rest of my 10K steps. If I walk the perimeter of the concrete streets in our neighborhood, that does the trick. I head back in for another cuppa Joe (I’m experimenting with upping it to two cups a day and so far, no problems), and head to my office to write.

When the first show is finished, I do half my workout: 100 pushups, 20 pullups, 20 45-lb. KB swings. Then get a cup of tea (with splash of raw milk) and write the second show. Then off to do the second half of workout. So today I got in 200 pushups, 40 pullups and 40 KB swings. THEN it was time for another cup of tea and writing two more Lenten devotions. Aiming to finish that booklet by October 5. 

Now that all that is through, I’m heading out to the pool for a late summer float in the sunshine. Still ahead: Vespers; dinner with Opa at 4 p.m.; a game of Liverpool; more reading in Chemnitz’ The Two Natures in Christ, some practice with Duolingo in Spanish, some meditation and other reading. Then it will be bedtime. 

So that’s what I’ve been up to lately. At least on Tuesdays!