01 July 2007

Odd How Often It Happens...

...I had several people tell me today, as they walked out of Church, that the hymns, collect, readings, sermon and prayers directly addressed matters they were struggling with. It is not an odd occurrence, but a rather regular one. And it never ceases to amaze me. At times we pastors in our unbelief struggle with the itch to be "relevant" - but there is nothing more relevant than God's Holy Word as it confronts us with our sins, absolves us, and moves us to share the joy of the new life that Christ reaches us through our union with Him. We don't need to go searching for ways to make the message of Scripture relevant for today; we need only to clear out of the way so that that Word can do its work. Glory to Jesus Christ for all things! Amen.


Past Elder said...

This happens to me, and it's pretty amazing from the other side of the pulpit too!

Rev. Eric J Brown said...

What gets me is when it's people you don't expect who say it - and then you find out something that they had been too shy to mention or just hadn't. Your point on preaching at my blog was spot on - if Law and Gospel hits me in the service, it will hit my members too.