01 November 2007

Lucy's Adventure

Well, she's born and bred a hound dog. And a hound dog IS a hound dog. We're out for a walk today and Lucy hunting around in the grass stirred up a cottontail.  This was the first time she'd ever even seen a bunny. Off it bounded and we liked to never held onto her.  She wanted that rabbit something awful!  We tried to walk with her further, but we were literally DRAGGING her because she was only interested in the rabbit.  This went on for some time.  And then when we tried to go home, she reached the spot where the rabbit bounded up behind a barn and she stopped.  Wouldn't go.  I ended up picking her up and carrying her. After several hundred yard, I sat her down and tried to get her to move up the road and all she'd do would be to tug at that leash in the other direction.  They say dog's can't remember what they don't see.  Ahem.  Bull twinky.  Lucy remembered her first rabbit. And I'll bet she still does. 


Anonymous said...

and EVERY time you pass that spot, she'll be looking for that rabbit. I have racoons around the house that Selma, my beagle mix, is constantly on the look out for. God help her if she ever catches one!
d pharr

Anonymous said...

she's to dumb to still remember.

Anonymous said...

but just to make you not make fun of my darling...Beth saw pictures of her in class (I kinda was paying attention...but I got lost on what Reek was talking about...and gave up) and she thought she was real cute and wanted one!
Oh...and side note. She had a dog (I think) named Luther...and a bird (?) named Katie. Now how amusing do you find that. Just turn the bird into a cat...and you have our family...
Oh and she calls her dog luther..."lucifer"
kinda like lucy's lucifer.