03 February 2008

Lesson Learned

IF you are speaking all day on Saturday, by all means try to find someone to fill in for you on Sunday - a voice can only do so much before it starts protesting! Which makes me thankful for that silly ball game today, which cancelled what would be the third service of the day. :)

Speaking of which: in Colorado someone was rude enough (!!!) to ask who I thought would win the superbowl. I think I must have had the "deer in the headlights" look on my face (I can't remember who's even playing, though I've been told two or three times), and a good soul in the front row had mercy on me and told me: "Whoever has the most points." That's my answer and I'm sticking to it. Though for one second, I did toy with saying: "The New York Yankees." Doesn't Joe Namath still play for them? ;)


Tim said...

You're jsut getting old



William Weedon said...

Yeah, look who's talking. ;)

Anonymous said...

You did have the "deer-in-the-headlights" look on that question, I do admit.

William Weedon said...


Was it YOUR question???