07 June 2009

New Lutheran Quote of the Day

Through our reception of Christ's most holy body and blood we become God-bearers; we become "little christs," theophanic people, the light of the world. -- John Kleinig, *Grace Upon Grace* p. 283


Dcn Latif Haki Gaba SSP said...

If there is a sort of theotokian dimension to the Blessed Sacrament (and of course Kleinig is right, there is), then there is, in my view, a eucharistic dimension to the place of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church's thought and prayer. In meditating upon the angelic greeting, for example, I often think of how Mary is typical of the Church in her sacramental life; and of the Christian in such a profoundly meaningful moment as the reception of the Sacrament. In other words, in some sense, "Ave Maria, gratia plena" becomes at times for me a particularly meaningful prayer of thankgiving after the Communion, since I see in it a reflection of what is happening to me at that moment.

William Weedon said...

Good thoughts. It is well nigh impossible not to receive the Blessed Sacrament without recalling that this which our Lord here gives us is "thy Body, Lord, born of Mary, that our sins and sorrows did carry." From her, He took on all that is ours that through it He might bestow upon us all that is His. Indeed, gratia plena, Dominus tecum - that He might be with us!