Heavenly Father, Your Son entered Jerusalem to shouts of hosanna and acclamations of praise. Receive our thanksgiving now for the salvation that His passion has brought us. Lord, in Your mercy, R.
Lord of glory, look in compassion on the people of Your Church. Strengthen their faith and make them bold witnesses to Your forgiving love. Lord, in Your mercy, R.
King of the nations, You have exalted Your Son to Your right hand and given Him all authority in heaven and earth. Remember in kindness those who bear office in our land and all who serve in our armed forces; and grant that our life together may be conformed to Your holy will. Lord, in Your mercy, R.
Eternal Lord, Your Son embraced the way of humility and showed it to be the path to eternal life. Grant that our confirmands may share in the mind of Christ and follow in the footsteps of their Savior. Lord, in Your mercy, R.
Healer of our diseases, Your Son bore all our sickness in His body on the tree. Remember those who suffer and are afflicted, especially .... and grant them restoration according to Your gracious will. Lord, in Your mercy, R.
Master, Your Son has prepared a feast for His family that we might partake of His body and blood in faith and not die but live in Him forevermore. Grant to all who come to the Altar today a sure confidence in Your mercy, a firm resolution to turn from sin by Your grace, and the joy of Your salvation. Lord, in Your mercy, R.
Giver of life, receive our praise and thanks this day for all who have closed their eyes to this age, and yet who still live in You, and eagerly await the day of resurrection. Bring us to share with them and all Your people the marriage feast of the Lamb in His kingdom. Lord, in Your mercy, R.
Join our prayers with those of Your servants of every time and place and unite them in the ceaseless petitions of our great High Priest until He comes again in power and great glory as victorious Lord of all. Through Him, with Him, in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is Yours, almighty Father, forever and ever! Amen.
Is this a Weedon original?
Well, except for the introduction and conclusion, yes. It's what we'll use this coming Sunday.
Pr. Weedon,
Do you compose your own intercessions weekly, or just on certain occassions?
Fr. Lyons,
It's about half and half. I do make use of the general prayers provided in the Altar Book.
Is there a copyright on any of this?
And those seeking original intercessions for Palm Sunday breathe a sigh of relief ;)
If you liked it, you MIGHT like the intercessions from the Let Us Pray for Easter through Easter Five this year...
Why? Do you know the person who wrote them?
You could say so...
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