20 June 2024

An unobserved anniversary

The day was June 15 back in 2004. That was the day I began this blog. So the old thing has been around for 20 years! I almost killed it off a time or two, but I didn’t have the heart. It still provides a place for me to share my writings on this or that in a most simple way. Belated happy birthday, ye olde Blog!


gamarquart said...

I found a comment from 2 September 2007 on my computer. It had a lot of back and forth with Paul McCain, yourself, and others. I made no comment on that one. Just found it interesting.
Thank you for keeping the blog alive for all these years. I know I found much in it that was upbuilding and uplifting.
Peace and Joy!
George A. Marquart

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Keep it going!

Bill McCorkle said...

Thanks be to God that He has persevered you to continue to write!