28 June 2008

Prayer Request

For those of you who follow my blog, I ask that you keep my sister, Marie Cooke, in your prayers. Marie, or Sis (as she's known to us - the only girl with four brothers!), has recently experienced difficulty in seeing. Seems a tumor has wrapped itself around the optical nerve. Sounds like almost any treatment will result in blindness in that eye. She has (a couple years ago) struggled through some breast cancer treatments, then some surgery on her back, and now this. Lord, have mercy! If you'd remember her in prayer, asking for God's good and gracious will to be done in her life, I'd be grateful. She is one of the dearest people in the world to me.


Jo said...

As soon as Cindi told me about your sister I put her on my prayer list.

Anonymous said...

Prayers are ascending, Pr. Weedon.

Fr. Gregory Hogg said...

She's in our prayers, Pr. Weedon. Sisters are special--I've got three of them myself...

Unknown said...

In prayer.

Cha said...

This sister to 6 brothers is remembering her in prayer.

Mimi said...

Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy

Anonymous said...

She and her family are on my prayer list.

Rev. Charles Lehmann said...


Anastasia Theodoridis said...

Yes, sisters are very special, and yours shall surely have the prayers of this heart still mourning the loss of her own sister from breast cancer. May God's will be done and his Name glorified in your dear sister.

with lots of love to your whole family,


Anonymous said...

Pastor Weedon,

Your sister and her family is in our prayers!!

May God be with her during this trial of the flesh!

Darian L. Hybl

Chris said...

Am praying.

Anonymous said...

We have and will continue. (By the way, Darlene has a sister your age also named Marie. Good name.)

Odysseus said...

Prayers going up...

Ronnie said...

Hi. I completely understand what your sister, Marie Cooke, is going through. I have the same problem. I started having problems with my vision in 1996 and was misdiagnosed for over ten years. I have a benign tumor (meningeoma) on my optic nerve. I almost went completely blind, when a doctor finally sent me to Atlanta, GA to a neuro-opthamologist and he knew immediately what was wrong. I went through 29 radiation treatments and regained vision in my left eye. I will definately keep her in my prayers! If you would like info on the doctor, I will be glad to share. It is a scary situation to be in... Take care.