07 October 2008

Old Lutheran Quote of the Day

No one should preach against those traditions having to do with adiaphora that were established for the sake of order. Rather, we should endorse them so that the laity are not frightened away from such ceremonies and traditions and start despising the exercise of piety in general. - Urbanus Rhegius, Confessor at Smalcald, Preaching the Reformation


Leo Bass said...

What he said.

Floyd Bass, SSP

Matt Carver (Matthaeus Glyptes) said...

So now that the "damage" has long since been done, does this apply in the same way to changing the current traditions and habits?

Unknown said...

Great quote. Applies nicely to those abandon the traditions of the church that exist for a reason. Also, it does kind of go against those who dangerously force-feed elements of the historic liturgy.

Chris said...

Leitourgia adiaphora non est.

Timothy May said...

A real run around in teaching anything liturgical is that adiaphora is raised (most always against the liturgy) and the focus then shifts to what is and what is not adiaphora and off of the teaching and learning of the liturgy with the result that the church cannot move from the lesser to the greater. The church remains stuck on the lesser (Mary and Martha?) or on the lowest common denominator.

The liturgy, rubrics, etc. are given to move from the lesser to the greater. Rhegius names some aspects of the greater such as "order" and "exercise of piety in general." Some other aspects of the greater that may be added are "reverence", "holiness."

If the liturgy is permitted to be handed over and received the church gets the overall sense, ie, the meaning behind the order and rubrics and the "spirit of the liturgy." Then they will not stumble by but will come to appreciate such traditions that uphold the greater, that is Christ and His gifts.

"Adiaphora" has been rationalized today to undermine what it was given to uphold.