03 July 2010

Intercessions for Trinity 5

Let us pray for the whole Church of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs. Brief Silence.

O God of our salvation, hear our prayers for Your Church, that faithfully casting the Gospel net of the Crucified and Risen Lord, all Your people may toil with zeal in sharing the Good News. Lord, in Your mercy, R.

God of our hope, remember all Church workers who struggle with depression and anxiety when they see little or no fruit from their labors. Grant them steadfast trust in Your Word and refreshment through Your unfailing promises. Lord, in Your mercy, R.

Lord of the Church, remember in mercy our Synod as we gather in convention and grant all delegates a share in the wisdom that comes from Your Spirit. Lord, in Your mercy, R.

O Lord God of hosts, remember our nation and its leaders as we give thanks to you upon this Independence Day. Strengthen and uphold them in every good deed; and surround with Your compassion all who serve in our armed forces. Lord, in Your mercy, R.

Give ear, O God of Jacob, to our prayers for those who cry out to You in difficult circumstances: the lonely and frightened, the unemployed and homeless, those in difficult family situations, the sick and the dying, and especially those who have asked our prayers... Give to each the comfort and joy that come from You alone. Lord, in Your mercy, R.

O Lord, You are our light and our salvation, and You set a feast before us that we might know Your forgiveness, taste Your kindness, and live in You forevermore. Grant us repentant faith to welcome the gift of the Savior's body and blood to our salvation and abundant blessing. Lord, in Your mercy, R.

Join our prayers and praises with those of Your faithful people of every time and place and unite them in the ceaseless petitions of our great High Priest until He comes in power and great glory as victorious Lord of all. Through Him, with Him and in Him in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all power and glory are Yours, almighty Father, forever and ever.


Hemmer said...

Someone should employ you for the Let Us Pray e-newsletter. Thanks.

Steve said...

It was neat to pray these as I read your blog. Thank you so much for writing it!
