04 June 2015

Thursday's Chapel

Daily Prayer for Morning, p. 295.

Psalm 29

A reading from Romans 11:
Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?” “Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?” For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.

This is the Word of the Lord. R.

Glory. It’s a word we throw around quite a bit in the Church. And that’s meet, right and salutary since, as St. Paul notes: All things are from Him and by Him and for Him to Him be GLORY forever!”

Glory is our way of saying: “Blessed are You who created us, the source of our being.You continually sustain our life and give to us all good things for us to enjoy just because You are our Father and You love us. And in His temple all cry GLORY!”

Glory is our way of saying: “What a God you are! Who’d a ever thunk it! Your mercy is over all that You have made. And in His temple all cry GLORY!!”

Glory is our way of saying: “Thank you for loving-kindness, for not dealing with us as our sins deserve! And in His temple all cry GLORY!!”

Glory is our way of saying: “Thank you for Your love, for sending us Your Son, for making Your Son our brother, and for His blood that covers the sin of the whole world in Your sight and sets us free! And in His temple all cry GLORY!!”

Glory is our way of saying: “Praise be to You for the gift of Your Spirit so that we can believe in You and know You and love You and serve You and even reign with You! And in His temple all cry GLORY!!”

Glory is our way of saying: “Hallelujah for the world that is coming, for the Appearing of Christ, for Love burning up and destroying all that is not love, for a new heavens and a new earth where righteousness dwells, for death’s defeat and the grave’s reversal. For an eternal home where there are no more good byes and all tears are wiped away by a nail scared hand. And in His temple all cry GLORY!!”

Glory is our way of saying: “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, You blow us away with Your tender kindness! You are an abyss of forgiveness, an unfailing fountain of pardon, a Trinity of persons that is a Love that is beyond all height, depth, breadth or any measure we can think of. And in His temple all cry GLORY!!”

Glory is way of saying: “We’re out of words. We’re astonished and humbled and filled with over flowing joy. And in His temple all cry GLORY!!”

Oh, you can do better than saying it. You can sing it!

Glory be to God the Father! – LSB 506

Our Father…

Our Father...

Glory, forever and ever!

Glory to You, King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Glory to You!

Glory to You for the promise that You welcome our prayers, that You invite us to cast on You every burden of our heart.

Glory to You for the people you’ve given us to love and whose burdens we now raise to You: Felicia, Allen, Jan, Cindy, Pastor Christiansen and Lori, and for all who cry out to You for healing and for peace.

Glory to You for the love that enwraps us and holds us. Bring us finally to share with all Your saints the Feast that never ends, to hear with our ears the triumph song, and to see with our eyes the face of Mary’s Son, our eternal King and will all those in the temple to cry: Glory!

I thank You…

Let us bless the Lord. R.

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