07 November 2015

Sausage Supper

Years ago... the basement was filled with folks peeling and slicing apples to make homemade applesauce. David and Lauren and Bekah would use their little red wagon to haul them from the basement over to the kitchen in the school. Duane reminded me this morning of little David down there helping out. Not so little anymore.

Nowadays... still make our signature cranberry sauce (Louis and Duane's specialty), and Verna still fries the bacon to stir into the green beans. The sauerkraut is still made the same way, I think. But the set up is far, far simpler. It's a buffet line rather than a family style meal. Still, the vast array of homemade pies will wow and awe. Cindi's contribution:

This will be the first year in the refurbished gym. Looks so amazingly bigger with the lighter and brighter colors. And just as my little ones helped out once upon a time, so the youngsters were out in full force today. Shawn called them the future St. Paul Lutheran Sausage Supper Committee:

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