19 October 2019

True Empty Nesters

Well, we've honestly been empty nesters for a long time. Still, today it felt like it all over again. You see, we always have had Bekah (our youngest) "around." When she moved to Edwardsville, she still worked in Hamel and bopped in most days for lunch with Cindi. When she got married she actually moved into a duplex in Hamel, quite literally just down the street from us. So we were very used to her cheery company at almost any hour, and we truly savored the time we had with her and Andy.

Today, however, we moved Andy and Bekah down to Murphysboro, about an hour and forty minutes south of us. On Monday, Andy begins a new job as the optometrist for Sparta and Pickneyville, IL. Bekah's got another nannying job lined up.

We always have joked that Sunday morning brunch is much quieter when Bekah's not there, she's always been our live wire. I fear we're in for many a quieter brunch. Still, it looks like a lovely community they've moved to and I hope they will be blessed indeed. They’ve already connected with Immanuel Lutheran Church in town and think quite highly of Pr. Hoem. We will miss them very much, but an hour and forty minutes is MUCH better than eight hours (ahem!). I still dream of a day when all the family is relatively nearby and we get to enjoy our holidays together again. Maybe a pipe dream, but God may yet grant it. His will be done.

This picture is of Andy and Bekah's new place, and the a pic of the woods out the back door. It's really quite lovely.

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