10 October 2009

Yup, it's 5 lbs or so

Hence, even while the larger print is of advantage to those who need such things (present company included), the actual weight *might* make the book unwieldy to the very ones who need it. I just can't see frail little Grandma Schmidt hefting this puppy...

Hmm. I understand CPH's dilemma. To make The Lutheran Study Bible chocked full of goodies, and to make the goodies easy to read, there's only one way to go. And they went that way. Just be warned. I wish we had known before we ordered them that they were so massive - and I do mean - massive. Cindi pointed out that they are more like what you think of a "family Bible" in actual size. For myself, I think it's worth the weight to easily read the notes and cross-references. But I'll definitely have to think twice before deciding to carry my Bible around - as in, is this a day for upper body workout? :)


Rev. Paul T. McCain said...

You put your finger on the conundrum.

Smaller print=lighter book.

Larger print=heavier book.

Unless somebody out there can do something magical with quantum physics, this is the way it is.

But....we do have custom canvas covers made for both regular and larger that have sturdy carrying handles.

And..the leather editions of the larger are a tad less bulky than the hardback.

Here are those covers, by the way, I'll link to the black larger print cover, and you can find the other links to the other color and size:


Finally, we thought that there would be those who want the smaller size Bible, but want larger type. Solution? Full page magnifiers

We did however consider that some might not want the larger one, but want a larger type. Solution? Full page magnifying sheets. We have those:


Rev. Allen Yount said...

Sure, it's a big book. But not quite as big as the Bible you see Luther holding in those statues. Or as big as my fascimile copy of the 1534 Luther Bible (two huge volumes). That would be a real workout.

Rev. Allen Yount said...

Of course, if and when an electronic version (like on Libronix) becomes available, then you can make the print appear as big as you need on the screen. But I really don't like reading books on a computer. I go along with what Grissom said on CSI: "When I read something on the screen, I lean forward. When I read a book, I lean back."

As to making a book that's small on the outside but huge on the inside, I don't believe CPH will have access to Time Lord technology any time soon. :>}

IggyAntiochus said...

I'm good with the size. According to Pastor McCain's blog, though, the Large Print Hard Cover is out of stock, and the paper needs to be imported from Norway.

This is a good problem for CPH! This is a not-so-good problem for me.

I went ahead and ordered a regular print version, which I will then give away at Christmas - or give an IOU if mine does not come in by then!