09 November 2009

Nun Ruhen

Nun ruhen alle Wälder,
Vieh, Menschen, Städt und Felder.
Es schläft die ganze Welt.
Ihr aber meinen Sinnen,
Auf, auf, ihr sollt beginnin
Was euer Schöpfer wohlgefällt.


William Weedon said...

I didn't SAY it. I SANG it. A Bronxville beloved piece. I still know the harmony better than the melody. It's in LSB, #880.

IggyAntiochus said...

Now rest beneath night's shadow
The woodlands, field and meadow;
The world in slumber lies.
But you, my heart, awaking
And prayer and music making,
Let praise to your Creator rise.

Dan at Necessary Roughness said...

For Time Out, way back in Lent, I was going to sing, "Upon the Cross Extended," but time passed me by and so did Easter, so I switched it for 880.

Thank God there are two fine texts for this tune! :)

Rev. Alan Kornacki, Jr. said...

Lord Jesus, who dost love me,
O spread Thy wings above me
And shield me from alarm.
Though Satan would devour me,
Let angel guards sing o'er me,
"This child of God shall meet no harm."

If I didn't have this on my iPod, I'd be fussing you for posting this.

Unknown said...

I too know the harmony better than the melody. This is what our choir ended our Lenten Vespers with last year. Sang acapella from the back of the church (in English). Very beautiful.

Elephantschild said...

How much better the German fits the music! (Duh.)

Jon Townsend said...

Englisch ist meine Muttersprache aber mir klingt Deutsch immer poetischer und einfach schoener als Englisch.

Die Schoenheit der deutschen Sprache liegt nicht so sehr an den Klang eines einzigen Wortes, sondern machmal an die Wortstellung. Die Wortstellung im Deutschen fuer Gedichte ist viel flexibler als Englisch. Es ist eigentlich einfacher mehr mit wenigeren Woerter zu sagen. Ganz Simple.

Anonymous said...

I learned your kind of German before I went to school... especially the last two sentences. :)
