19 June 2011

Four-Part Series on the Athanasian Creed

can be found here.  It was a great joy to spend four hours with Pr. Wilken on Issues, Etc. mining the rich depths of that Creed.


Brenda Higley said...

I listened to it and loved it, thanks Pastor. I was so disappointed at church today when we read something shorter which was "based on the Athanasian Creed." I wanted to say the whole thing!

Marinus Veenman said...

I fully enjoyed the podcasts. Very insightful.

William Weedon said...

Glad you guys enjoyed it!

Mrs.Bomberger said...

I have only listened to the first part, but that is enough to know I will be listening to them all. Is there a transcript available? I didn't see anything offered. I will be teaching the 3 creeds this next school year. I thought this would help me. Is there a book that relates these in an simple way for young teens?
Thank you for the great lesson!

Brenda Bomberger

William Weedon said...

Great - hope you enjoy the rest of it! Sadly, no manuscript and I don't know (about the book) to your two questions.