16 August 2009


she totally cracked us up as we're leaving Cracker Barrel this morning. She's always telling me she needs a new car, and so I told her that her car fitted her personality exactly. "Why? Because it's broken and confused?" she fired back. All three of us roared with laughter.

We also had a discussion over breakfast about whether our family was "normal." Go figure. David assured us we are NOT normal; but we all agreed that even though we're not normal, we rather much love being with each other. I mean, how many kids these days LIKE spending time together in the evening, playing cards with mom and dad and grandma and opa? Or how many kids enjoy talking with their parents and visiting together? So, we're a bit weird (nose piercings - Mom and Bekah; ear piercings - Dad, Mom, Bekah and Lauren; lip piercing - Bekah; and dyed PINK hair - Mom and Lauren and Bekah), but we think we're also mega blessed to have each other. Thanks be to God for family!


Anonymous said...

When did I dye my hair pink? I think I missed that day...

William Weedon said...

Oops. I thought you were in on the whole hair dyeing thing. Seems you were only in on the HENNA TATS which I left off...

Anonymous said...

yeah...well...I do believe we'd have to count you in on that one too...since I remember a certain pastor dad of mine receiving one! (first, I might add!)