24 December 2024

Merry Christmas, one and all!

Oh that birth forever blessed
When the Virgin full of grace,
By the Holy Ghost conceiving
Bore the Savior of our race
And that Babe, the world’s Redeemer,
First revealed His sacred face, evermore and evermore!

15 December 2024

Such a joy…

…last evening to be with dear friends the Klingers and Van Ulfts and get in some six-handed pinochle (the night ended up one game for the men, one for the women). I’m afraid Stephanie made such a yummy cheese dish for appetizers that I made a pig of myself and had zero room left for dinner itself. When I thank God for the companions he grants us along the way, these folks are always included:

01 December 2024

A Little Touch of Crazy with an Awful Lot of Joy

Life has been…challenging! We’re still in the process of moving Cindi’s dad (hereafter, Opa) from the house next door to us, down to a duplex a block and a half away. The end is clearly in sight! We got the worst of the heavies moved in the last couple days. But the move has been hard on Opa. He fell one night and his apple watch called 911. The EMTs had to break through his front door to get to him. He also ended up in the hospital for a couple days due to some medication they gave him. But he made it home last Tuesday and was able to join us for Thanksgiving. Cindi’s aunt and her cousin came out as well. We ended up with 20 feasting together on Thanksgiving Day (missed the Mark Preus family this year!). And, with eldest daughter pregnant with #s 9 and 10 (identical twin boys), we’ve had extra trips to St. Louis for doctors appointments or watching the other 8. Aunt Sandy and Russ arrived on Tuesday (as I was going to get Dave from the hospital); Lauren had a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday that I took her to, while Cindi was busy cooking. Opa had a drs’ appointment, so we were very thankful that Sandy and Russ were here to take him to that. Lauren’s family arrived on Thursday and stayed through till after lunch today. And Cin and I baby sat the boys last evening as all the girls went to a Lindsey Stirling concert in St. Louis. Cindi and I caught a nap after everyone cleared out and then proceeded to do our usual decorating. Right now, we’re sitting in the living room enjoying the Christmas tree and (I must confess) THE SILENCE. Delightful! But what a great blessing to be able to be together. Here are some pics: