01 July 2015


Friday, Bekah and I headed to NC for Flynn's baptism. Long drive, but we got in before dark. Was so great to see my beloved again and the Herberts. Baptism was at early service Sunday:

Was great to visit with Jim Huffman, Lauren's godfather that day too. Missed Amy, though. 

Monday we were up early and off to home. Got in at 5:30 and the Beanes and Dave joined us for supper at 6:45. Leo took advantage of the pool while the grown ups visited. 

Tuesday was Gottesdienst conference on marriage with several outstanding presentations and worship opportunities. 

And then had great visit with Pr. Loesch.

Missionary Orientation wraps up tomorrow with another great group being sent forth. Divine Service is at 2! Join us if you can. 

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