03 December 2014

Evening Prayer

What a joy Evening Prayer was tonight! After the usual hymnsing before the service, the large candle was processed in and we lit our tapers from it and then joined in Joyous Light and gave thanks for the light that NO darkness can overcome. During Psalm 141 the sweet incense rose, as pastor censed the altar, the candle, and the people. The school children chanted Psalm 24 and did such an outstanding job. You could understand every word. We sang together St. Ambrose's "Savior of the Nations." Pastor Gleason read the prophesy from Jeremiah 23 and preached upon it: "Behold, the days are coming..." We stood to join in Mary's Magnificat and then during the offering the school children sang again: "Es Ist Ein Ros Entsprungen." First stanza auf Deutsch, and the rest in English. Then we chanted together the Ektenne with its broad sweep of intercessions, the collect for peace, the Our Father, Benedicamus and Benediction. We left to Bach's joyous Prelude and Fugue in g minor. From start to finish, it was an service brimming with Advent joy and there was nothing like hearing the school children singing so confidently, joyfully, and sweetly to swell the heart.

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