09 December 2016

On the iPad again...

...I have indeed replaced the laptop entirely with my iPad Pro. I love how this has simplified my working environment (which I carry with me most anywhere). It's also been a lot of fun figuring out the odd thing that I didn't know how to do on the iPad. For example: one thing was image manipulation: I had an image at a certain resolution but needed it to be at a lesser resolution. For the life of me, I couldn't figure this out. The solution of course was to ask google (isn't that the solution to everything these days?), and lo and behold: there are websites that do this for free. Just upload the image and choose the desired resolution and save the resulting image. Voila! Painless and free. I've found this actually to be a bit of a pattern—not just the google thing, of course THAT is a pattern—but the stuff that you can do on the web with three or four clicks to remedy problems. Working with PDFs also is like that.


Rev. Alan Kornacki, Jr. said...

All of that is well and good until you need to burn a CD.

William Weedon said...

What's a CD? A relic from a long ago age. Never use them anymore.

Rev. Alan Kornacki, Jr. said...

As a parish pastor, I record my sermons so my ahut-ins can hear them. Of course, you're not a parish pastor, so I guess you don't have to worry about such mundane things. *wink*

Rev. Alan Kornacki, Jr. said...

Or even shut-ins. *eyeroll*