01 August 2019

How did August get here already?

It's been a very busy summer, no question. Floor Committee Weekend with its extra services; Making the Case up in Chicago; a whirlwind trip driving with friends to Florida for a week; back home and all the preparations for Convention; preaching and Bible class at Zion, Carpenter and Trinity, Worden; flying down to Tampa for Convention (leaving the house at 3:30 on Thursday, July 17 and getting back at 12:00 a.m. on Friday, July 26, with most every day in between starting at 5:30 and ending at 9:00 or so); six handed pinochle with our tribe; and playing services at St. Paul's on last weekend in July and first weekend in August. This week I took this year's first bit of vacation (staycation) and it has been just what the Dr. ordered. Now, if only I could stop dreaming all night about convention stuff! 

Most days have entailed early morning Treasury and coffee, then workout, and often a walk. Some playing around with piano for another Noisetrack offering. Afternoons in the pool. Evenings have been spent playing Liverpool (Opa's back in town, but Lois is still out east, so it's still three handed for the time being), and watching Pride and Prejudice at Rebekah's insistence. As usual, she was right. It's very good. 

We also downloaded the excellent documentary from iTunes: FAT by Vinnie Tortorich. Excellent, highly recommended watching. 

And right on cue this morning, I could hear my mom's voice. I walked into the kitchen and saw the temperature outside (55) and remembered her always saying: "The nights begin to cool down in August." Too true. 

Next week my eldest daughter, hubby, and her delightful family will arrive and we'll get some time with them. It's always a zoo when we're all together, but I wouldn't trade those moments for the world. 

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