29 August 2021

A Sad and Yet Joyous Day

Today Pr. Gleason retired from St. Paul’s, but thanks be to God, he and Cindy are not going anywhere (other than to enjoy more frequent visits with grandchildren!). Here are some pics from the Divine Service, followed by my comments on Pr. Gleason’s retirement during the reception:

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings we learn that it was the elves who woke the trees up to talk, that they might join with them in their marvel at creation. There is something decidedly elvish about Pr. Gleason’s ministry. Wherever he has gone, he has wakened creation to praise.

Think of our sanctuary. Before Pr. Gleason, the doors between the sanctuary and the narthex were simply mute. They glowed amber, but they said nothing. Once Pastor was done with them, they proclaimed in vibrant color and image. They shouted the glory of the Holy Trinity: Holy Father, Holy Son (the Lamb of God) and Holy Spirit, who is never separated from holy Church. Pr. Gleason worked his elvish magic and woke them to praise.

Or think of what he effected at our dear sister church, Trinity Worden. You remember the bare colored glass window? Now the building itself preaches the life of Christ around the bottom and the life of Christ in His saints around the top in joyous color and image.

Even in my office, when I go to work in the morning, a beautiful stained glass that Pr. Gleason gave me right after I started my podcast. Vivid gold and blue and Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum around the border, with the Bible open to John 1 (where I started my podcast!) in the center. Pastor Gleason preaches to me every time I walk into the room!

And do I need to tell you that this is exactly what he does in his preaching? Through his finely crafted homilies, he has painted our Savior before our eyes. He draws the readings together that through their light we might marvel with him at the glory of Christ, shining before us. Through him, St. Paul’s word came to life for us “before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified.” Thus he has opened our lips to praise and moved our hearts to join him in his adoration of the Holy Trinity.

The combo of artist and pastor has thus done an elvish job upon us all, aided by Cindy’s doing in song what he has done with the visual arts, amplifying the joy.

And his gentle piety is as beautiful as his sermons. Just ask the home-bound and they will tell you of what a blessing a visit from Pr. Gleason is. Brother, you have been among us an ikon of Christ and for that we join in giving all glory and praise to Him to whom you have so faithfully directed us: Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord, for Pastor Gleason’s elvish touch! Amen.

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