16 April 2022

He Descended into Hell

From Luther's famous Torgau Sermon:

"Christ has crushed hell, opened up heaven, bound and taken captive the devil, and delivered the prisoners." (HP I:482)

From the Catalog of Testimonies (citing St. Cyril):

The soul, having obtained union with the Word, descended into hell; but using its divine power and efficacy, it said to the ones in bondage: "Go forth!" (Concordia, p. 942)

From Lutheran Service Book

Jesus has come as the mighty Redeemer,
See now the threatening strong one disarmed!
Jesus breaks down all the walls of death's fortress,
Brings forth the prisoners triumphant, unharmed.
Satan, you wicked one, own now your master!
Jesus has dome! He the mighty Redeemer! (533:3)

Now hell, its prince, the devil, 
Of all their pow'r are shorn;
Now I am safe from evil,
And sin I laugh to scorn.
Grim death with all its might
Cannot my soul affright;
It is a pow'rless form,
Howe'er it rave and storm. (467:4)

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