24 October 2022

Catechesis: Marriage

Yet we do not make virginity and marriage equal. For just as one gift excels another…so virginity is a more excellent gift than marriage.—Ap. XXIII:38


DrK said...

I just reread this and am as perplexed as ever. Could anyone help to explicate?

William Weedon said...

If you read the original context in the Apology, it states that marriage is a higher gift than virginity because it frees one to spend one’s energies and time freely on the teaching and spread of the Gospel and in prayer, rather than being concerned with the needs of spouse and family, providing house and home and tending to chores and such. This is why Paul wished that everyone were like him (he was contentedly celibate), but he certainly granted that all weren’t and therefore marriage has its place and enjoys God’s blessing.

DrK said...

Thanks for the comment. The Treasury's reading stopped at no 39 this morning and I missed no 40's fuller explanation. I particularly noticed no 35: "There may be greater purity of heart in a married man, as in Abraham or Jacob, than in most of those who are even truly chaste." I have heard the celibacy argument from an RC buddy, but still think that what is to be commended are praiseworthy actions, not one's state of marriage or celibacy. Many celibates do far less than married men (like you.) Not to argue, but simply to wonder...