06 April 2023

Love days like this…

…woke up by 5. Made pot of coffee and drank it. Prayed Matins. Read my Book of Concord, some Lewis, and some Walther. Then 30 minutes of HIIT. Followed that up with 300 push ups, 30 pull ups, 30 45-lb kettlebell swings, and 3 miles of walking. Quick shave and shower (cold!), then up to the Church to lead the Maundy Thursday Mass. A quick interview with Aubrey and Austin on the topic of language. Home to fix more coffee and write podcast for May 2. Now I’m done writing till Easter Tuesday. Still up: have to teach in the school at 1:30 (more of John 7 and into 8) and then back for the evening Maundy Thursday Mass with stripping of altar. A wonderful Feast Day indeed! Here’s praying that all of you have a blessed celebration of the Three Days and Easter!

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