06 August 2014

Litany from Tuesday's Evening Prayer

at the liturgical institute, that I was privileged to lead:


Trent said...

In listening to the last petition and how it was changed to suit Lutheranism, I guess, I could not help but think of an interview a Lutheran pastor gave on Issues ETC about the Athanasian Creed that said it is not just important but crucial to proclaim Mary as Theotokos to combat Nestorianism. I could not agree more.

William Weedon said...

Trent, you mean not specifically mentioning the Blessed Virgin in the last petition? Note that in the liturgical books that introduced this lovely litany into the Lutheran Church we find the rubric:

Especially on feast days, the commendation could be expanded to include the names of the saint remembered on that day, and other principal saints of the church as well: "Rejoicing in the fellowship of St. Luke, of Peter and Paul, of John the Baptist, of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the saints, let us commend ourselves, and one another, and our life to Christ our Lord." (Manual on the Liturgy, p. 285).

The HS98, you may recall, did not hesitate to use the proper title of Mary in the hymn "Adoramus Te, Domine"

"...with the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, adoramus Te, Domine!" 894


Sometime, though, it would be nice to see some Orthodox (of the formerly Lutheran stripe and so often with the penchant toward "I thank God that I'm not...") actually delight in sharing the bulk of the prayer together rather than on focusing invariably (and usually importing less than best construction) on a particular change. I mean, is it not a beautiful thing that Christians can ask the same heavenly Father for the peace from above, for our salvation, for the wellbeing of the church(es) of God, for the unity of all?

Chuck Sampson said...

Will any of the Institute's presentations be available in audio form?

Chuck Sampson