02 December 2017

Weedon Family News 2017

Here a maid was found with child,
Yet remained a virgin mild.
In her womb this truth was shown
God was there upon His throne. 
LSB 332:3

Here's wishing you all a blessed Advent-tide and Christmas! 

 2017 was a year full of blessings from heaven, some tears, and some overflowing joys.

Some of the joys...

Birth of Felicity Lynn Herberts, grandchild six, granddaughter three... Birth of Oliver James Weedon, grandchild seven, grandson four... Rebekah and Andy's engagement... Lauren and Dean's move to Sheldon/Gilman WI, bringing them only 8 hours away... Reformation in Honolulu and a week on Oahu with Van Ulfts and Klingers and visiting with friend, Karl Bachman... Watching the eclipse in good company and enjoying the traffic jam of the century in good company... Welcoming Kantor Jan Muth to St. Paul's as organist, choir director and bell choir director, and all things music for school... Institute on Liturgy, Preaching, and Church Music (a truly crazy and fun week with Sandy Bowers, Wagners, Thoelkes and Sharon Braasch)... Deb and Dee joining us for a joyous celebration of Dave’s 80th birthday... Bill's second book written and published (Thank, Praise, Serve and Obey, published by Concordia Publishing House)... Bill's trip to Idaho for congregational anniversary and to enjoy a wonderful visit with his oldest brother, Butch... Music, music, music: Cindi in Collinsville Chorale and St. Paul's Bells and loving her time with John Behnke at the Institute; and Cindi, Bill, and David in adult choir at St. Paul... Opa (Dave DeVries) fully retired and both shoulders DONE... Goddaughter's Lindsey's confirmation... Delightful week with Jim Krauser in town in August... Grandkids and kids all together for a wild and crazy visit... 

Some of the tears...

Lauren's battle with some chronic kidney stones... The farewell to the good folks at St. Paul's Norlina who have become very dear to our hearts and are like family to the Herberts... Beloved friend, Stephanie Van Ulft, diagnosed with aggressive thyroid cancer... Cindi breaking a toe and tearing meniscus while helping with the Herberts' move... 

Grandparents' obsession... 

Sawyer, our loud but shy introvert with an astounding imagination and sensitivity... Annabelle, our little mommy always looking out for her brothers and little sister and a gymnast with a flexibility that just doesn't seem possible... Lydia, our ever singing ballerina who throws out "whys" as fast as she whirls about, never misses a visual detail, and issues the near constant invitation: "play with me!"... Flynn, our wild and crazy daredevil and with a temper to match the reddish tint in his hair and a smile so sweet you can't really get angry with the imp... Henry, the most laid back, calm and self-entertained child ever, except when he spots food that he isn't being fed, because then he's insta-beast... Felicity, she likes apples and hugs and she smiles a heart-melting smile nearly nonstop... Oliver James awful young yet, but he has a bit of that red—like Flynn—and he's a child #3 too, so we'll see; right now he just coos his way into your heart.

We love and miss you all! Please remember our door is open and our guest room ready! 

Much love!

Bill and Cindi


Nancy said...

Bill? and Cindi? What happened to Will?

William Weedon said...

Ha! My multiplicity of names. People have known me for a long time call me Bill. It’s what I was called growing up. But I have never liked the name at all. I prefer my own given name: William. When I was small, I was often Willy by mom and daddy. But I chose Will for the radio. Truth is, if you ever listen to me introduce myself, you’ll almost invariably here me say William. But I don’t particularly care what others call me: Will, William, Bill. It’s all good. I just prefer William.

Nancy said...

Thank you for the explanation. William is good.