21 October 2018

From the Introit


Unknown said...

Is that the traditional antiphon for Trinity 21 or just something made up from the 1960s?

Jerry Gernander said...

Traditional. It was in TLH 1941. It's besutiful.

William Weedon said...

From the Tridentine Mass propers for Pentecost 21 (note that the Tridentine propers are often a Sunday or so off from those that came into Reformation use in northern Europe):

In voluntáte tua, Dómine, univérsa sunt pósita, et non est qui possit resístere voluntáti tuæ: tu enim fecísti ómnia, cælum et terram, et univérsa quæ cæli ámbitu continéntur: Dóminus universórum tu es.