11 October 2018


I'm NOT a numbers person. In fact, Deaconess Bowers and I have an agreement: she takes care of numbers; I take care of words. But I got curious and asked for some further numbers today about Thy Strong Word, the radio show/podcast that I host on KFUO and that covers a chapter of God's Word a day on average. This blew me out of the water. 

I began the show in August of 2014. The average number of downloads per month that year was 2,691. By the end of the following year, 2015, that had climbed to an average monthly download of 9,973. By the end of 2016, it sat at 16,139 downloads per month. By the end of 2017 at 23,315 per month. As for 2018, we're not done yet, but as of the end of September we were hitting 32,886 average downloads per month. In the total four year life of the show through September of this year, the program has been downloaded 902,539 times! We're closing in on a million!!!

This fills my heart with great joy. There is nothing that is nearer or dearer to my heart than the mutual conversation and consolation of the brethren that happens over the opened Scriptures. I hope that God's strong Word continues to gather listeners to itself and to work mightily in their lives. If you're not a regular listener, check it out. Here's today’s show with Pr. Ruback of Grace Chapel on Job 17:

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