16 August 2023

Correspondence from a Listener

 I love it when I get feedback from listeners to The Word of the Lord Endures Forever. This letter was waiting for me today. What a blessing!

Dear Pastor Weedon,

Some time has passed since meeting you at Emmanuel Lutheran at Lancaster, Ohio. We were thrilled to meet the man behind the voice that brought us the Word of the Lord to us daily for those sixteen days in the hospital with COVID. My husband stayed with me throughout and we made certain to listen at that time to the Book of Ephesians and also Mark.

Our youngest daughter Anne was in constant contact with a doctor outside the hospital who was helping so many with COVID. He told her to tell me to sit in a chair with my feet on the floor and sing. And we did, singing hymns. My singing voice was so terrible and I apologized to my main caregiver for disturbing the floor. He said not to worry and go ahead and sing. By the way, Anne has a beautiful voice. 

So many blessings. Ron stayed with me and our two daughters were allowed to visit on opposite days, and Pastor Raddatz was not considered a visitor so he could come whenever. We were able to comfort several nurses and listen to their stories. One of my doctors was an Orthodox Christian from Syria, and the other was a Sikh who saw the open Bible and asked what I was reading. I said: healing words (at the time Mark 1:29-34). 

My sister was also in the hospital at the same time back home where my family lived in northwest Ohgio and her family was told to prepare for a funeral, but she bounced back two days later. Also, a close friend had her husband die from COVID on Christmas Day. Having COVID we couldn’t go to the funeral that was held. 

So you see how much your voice carrying healing words calmed a major storm in our lives. We thank and praise the Lord for working through you to bestow blessings on so many.

Our oldest daughter Maggie had told us about your Bible Study and we have all been blessed. The study brings us all together to discuss the text even though we live far apart. The trip home from church was always chatter on the lesson taught in Sunday School. Such a blessing to continue that tradition, although in a different mode.

Blessings upon blessings!!

Thanks be to God, 

Ron and Rebecka C.

Thank you all for the very kind words. It was wonderful to meet you!

P.S. The above arrived in a wonderful CHRISTMAS card: “In the Christmas season that lasts throughout the year, may His love fill your heart with everlasting joy.” And then “He has risen indeed!” As one who delights to listen to Christmas music pretty much year round, I said a hearty AMEN!!!

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