11 December 2023

Old Lutheran Quote of the Day

To the Hebrews, justice often signifies gentleness, lenience, permissiveness, which forgives something regarding their law.—Martin Chemnitz, Harmony of the Gospels I:147. [This in connection with Joseph not wishing to expose Mary to public disgrace when she was found to be with child and yet described as a just man.]


gamarquart said...

To this day, the Jews are the bearers of righteousness in the world. Is this the result of God's covenant with Abraham?
When people criticize Israel for trying to eliminate Hamas, they either forget, or never knew, that God ordered the Jews to wipe out (man, woman, and child) the tribes which lived in the promised land, when the Jews entered it. He told them that they would regret it if they disobeyed Him. They did, and they have regretted it many times in their history.
Peace and Joy!
George A. Marquart

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful