16 April 2024

I was blessed to receive…

…this wonderful little prayer book at The Law of God Is Good and Wise conference. It’s compiled and edited by Joseph Klotz, a faithful layman of the LCMS from Hodgkins, IL. The book, as its preface states, “was produced to provide the layman with a resource, in one volume, which will enable him to engage in regular, systematic prayer, which is in line with the liturgical traditions and rhythms of the Church.” p. ix.

Said another way, this little volume can indeed serve as a simplified breviary or office book. It contains the entire NKJV psalter, pointed for chanting and with music, and spread across the month for those who wish to pray the Psalter each month (using the TLH pattern 31 day pattern, not the one from Common Prayer). It provides seasonal hymns (with traditional tones). The daily prayers include orders for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Trinity. The historic lectionary is provided and then the table of daily readings from the old The Lutheran Hymnal. You’ll find the Litany, the Bidding Prayer, the General Suffrages and those for Morning and Evening; the Prayer of the Church from TLH p. 13 and p. 110; the Creeds; various additional prayers; a selection of Scripture passages assigned to various seasons to supplement the daily readings; the History of the Passion; and the Small Catechism (including the Christian Questions with their Answers). 

In short, this is an extraordinarily rich resource and might indeed commend itself not only for interested laity, but for pastors too. Thank you, Mr. Klotz for giving me this delightful volume. You can order one, if you’re so inclined, right here.

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