02 August 2010

New Lutheran Quote of the Day

If you deny Christ and insist on going to hell, God is not going to compel you to go the other way with a gun in your ribs.  The salvation way is the Calvary way, the way of love.  -- Dr. Norman Nagel, Selected Sermons, p. 203.


Jeremy Loesch said...

"The salvation way is the Calvary way."

Thanks for making my day Will!

Trent said...

For, He says, you were bought with a price. Notwithstanding, not even then does He compel those who are unwilling, to serve him; but except you have grace, He says, and of your own accord and will determinest to enroll yourself under my rule, I do not compel, nor force you.

Instructions to Catechumens
St. John Chrysostom