27 September 2012


Was privileged to play last night for the Ordination into the Office of the Holy Ministry of James Ambrose Lee. Pastor Lee will serve as an assistant pastor at Trinity and Zion Lutheran Churches (Worden/Carpenter Illinois). Pr. David Petersen preached a stunning homily that was dripping in grace and I especially appreciated his contrast between an angel (the devil) coming with words to deceive Eve and lead her away from God with God's inversion of this in the Office of the Holy Ministry: sending His messengers (angels in Revelation) with words to speak God's gracious and surprising truth and to lead His beloved bride to receive as a gift the very thing Eve reached for in the Garden: to be like God, only better, to be one with God in the Holy Eucharist. I'm not saying it nearly so well as he did. It was powerful, comforting and utterly right on. 


Jeremiah Oehlerich said...

Wow, lots of familiar young faces from my days at Concordia River Forest/Chicago. So exciting to see so familiar faces entering into ministry for the sake of proclaiming the Gospel.

William Weedon said...

Yeah, and Krista was there and DIDN'T bring her instrument. I told her about it too.