13 June 2014


Just got back today from a blessed time of retreat. We need these in our lives more than we dare to admit. Even our Lord spoke of this: "Come ye your selves apart into a desert place, and rest a while." The only business we attended it was the business of Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus to soak in His life-giving words and to enjoy His hospitality at the heavenly feast He spreads for His children here on earth.

Thank you, Lord, for times of refreshing, for the mutual conversation and consolation of brethren, for the privilege of prayer, for the honor of joining with the angels and archangels in song, for the companionship of Your saints, and most of all for the gift of forgiveness and eternal life which You delight to reach us in Your most holy body and blood, which we poor sinners receive with overflowing joy.

1 comment:

Jay Watson said...

Fr. William,
It was a blessed time to be with you and the other Fathers and Brothers. Your organ and piano accompaniment of the Masses and Offices was salutary and greatly appreciated.
Fr. Jay