07 March 2022

Hmm. Will have to rethink this…

…I was running a tad late, but chose to swing into Starbuck’s for a coffee prior to recording an Issues show. And as I went to pull out of the parking lot, a poor man in a wheel chair asking for any contributions. The truth of the matter is that I had more than a bit of digital cash on me, but no tangible cash to help him. I’d paid for my coffee on an app and though I carry my credit card with me, the vast majority of the time I pay for things (including a tank full of gas today) with my watch. It made me realize that if I’m going to heed our Lord’s exhortation to give alms, I’m going to need to adjust this and specifically carry cash on my person for the purpose of being able to give it away. Even though I LIKE not having to fiddle with cash any more (sorry, Dave Ramsey!), I very much dislike not being in a position to offer a gift to someone in need. I mean, I can hardly ask the fellow if he has an iPhone I might be able to text some cash to… 

1 comment:

philip said...

I keep a stack of $5 bills in my glove box for this very purpose.